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Life Without A Defeat!

Life Without A Defeat!

1 min

What's a life without a defeat,

Where have you ever been so neat.

Believe your goal,

Learn from your fails,

Experience the wind of sadness trails.

Humans are confusing,

Aren't they?

Think about themselves,

Always better than what you say.

Once the world gets Detroit,

All the Aura's will experience their fear and fail.

"Is it my mistake",

The words spoke out,

With a response,

The other fellow says,

"Oh dear! It wasn't a mistake,

Mother Earth regrets herself<


For the mistake that she just created."

The True works spur out,

Like bullets firing from the gun.

Moon is also the one having rare defeats,

Lunar eclipse affects it.

Same goes with the sun,

Whenever he takes an unofficial leave,

He also crashes into his defeat.

Never lose your art of peace,

In case of a defeat.

Try motivating yourself even if affected,

By the depressive words you keep.

Life's a breakdown,

Behave it,

Beneath your soul,

Whether it's a Victory or defeat.

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