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Brita Roy



Brita Roy


Ice Cream

Ice Cream

1 min

Would you like an Ice Cream, so refreshing and icy cold?

Such a delectable and delicious fare- never has been sold.

It is every one’s favorite, from the very young to the old,

For flavor and appealing colors, it’s universally extolled.

It’s a subject for the artist’s study, to capture on his canvas,

It’s a trigger for the poet’s pen, to compose a literary verse.

It whets up one’s appetite, it makes the gastric juices flow,

It is so enjoyable and addictive, one wants more and more!

As it trickles down the sides of the brimming crispy cones,

Its alluring and enticing, in varied seductive tints, and tones.

To lick with relish, the creamy crowns, a ruby gem on the top,

Just indulging in the sensuous pleasure, one cannot simply stop,

To bite into their soft, tender hearts, is truly unpardonable sin!

It’s irresistible, compulsive, and an overpowering addiction!

They’re Ice Creams with weirdest names, Bubble gum, or Beer;

Are made from Green tea, betel leaf, or even Black sesame ginger!

As the frothy cream like winter snow, settles around our mouth

The Delicacy Divine, melts inside--- tantalizingly, swirling about.

It’s so versatile, so awesome, scrumptious and incredibly good,

It goes well in Shakes, Floats, or Desserts, the Queen of all food.

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