I Wish I Could Speak My Heart
I Wish I Could Speak My Heart

A free bird from heart, apple of the family,
Always positive would spread happiness daily.
A day came in her life to choose her better half,
Without thinking twice agreed on parents' behalf.
Happily dreaming a fairy tale thinking her prince,
Always waited for his call to say how much he means.
Ignorance is what she got, "busy" was the word used,
Available for friends always, an excuse for me was chosen.
Then came the wedding day, things will sort she thought,
It didn't end up here, the more was yet to come out.
Mom and best friend was his family and source of happiness,
I wished... I was somewhere fitted in this closeness.
I wish, somewhere down the line he would understand,
I don't show myself, victim, as your words always end,
I wish you say 'I understand you".
I wish I could speak my heart to you...!!!