A Ballad Of True Frienship
A Ballad Of True Frienship

Look at the little seed,
Grows up inside the soil,
Water through the rain it need,
And some support for it to coil.
Has many friends to mingle,
And many reasons to smile,
Whenever she be single,
Two walked with her a mile.
Rain and bird are they,
Who always cared for her,
Whatever the condition may,
All three were together.
Backstabbed the rain one day,
Destroyed the tree and birds nest,
Both cried their heart content that day,
Seen the part of best to worst.
Time passed, both recovered soon,
But somewhere they missed their friend,
Days went and went the moon,
But the friendship of rain ended.
Rain forgot what frienship is,
And never looked back to them,
The two didn't like this,
But still waited for him to come.