I Met
I Met
I saw her
Dancing in the rains
To the sound of the rain droplets
'Cham' 'cham' 'cham'
She sang
She jumped
In the clogged waters
One step
Two steps..
Above her head
She was moving
A portion of her red cloth
Dancing to the tunes she set
I also danced with merriment
Although I knew
She could not feel
My far-off presence
I just laughed
At my own foolishness
Pretending to be too clever
Away I went
She came later today
When I was playing cricket
With my frien
Thankfully as always
I kept a pen
Wherever I went
She asked me
If I could help her
In writing poems
To that
A smile glued to my face
And I
Took her hand
In order to demonstrate
To paint her
In the colour of my poems
She saw my fingers well
Then the palm of my left hand
Though faded
She read
The lines of that song
She sang in the rains
She smiled shyly
To me
She was Evening Herself
No tomorrow
No today
It was she
All over again...