Hidden Treasure
Hidden Treasure

There is a mystery
And History
To these ancient locks.
An old story
Fiction perhaps?
Of a woman
Ruling these parts
With an iron fist
She had
Jewels galore
Worth 100 crore
Nobody dared
Approach it
When she was alive
When she left this world
Contenders rushed galore
Calling themselves
Her sons, daughters,
Friends, creditors and foes.
Then they found
These locks
On her ageing door.
But there was a door
On the other side
Surprisingly open!
They barged in,
The contenders,
To search for the inheritance
They rummaged
Through her personal things
Through her official table
Only to be disappointed
With unworthy metal
Useless papers
The tried breaking
The front door
But hurt themselves instead
They threw iron fist in the foundry
And burnt the papers
And went the way they came.
The foundry Workers
Thanked their stars
Cause the hot iron fist revealed the secret treasure.