It rained
And you just stood there
As it fell and fell
Everything was wet
And grey
But you didn't paint it
Like you normally do
You just stood there
And let the rain form a sea
A monstrous sea, purple
And blue and red and yellow
Everything but grey
Because grey was
The color of the newspaper we never read
Probably filled with fake news anyway
Blurry headlines drowning
I broke a c
up that day, silly
The shattering glass
The rain was still louder
You didn't save the glass
For your "broken things" collection
It was a post on Instagram though
I was the first like. Caption- "After hours"
I forgive you
Rain makes us do crazy things
Make sure my grave isn't grey
Grey is boring
And treat it like one of your Instagram posts
Go wild
Never liked your 'broken things collection' anyway