Drama Others



Drama Others

Friends - Maybe Not

Friends - Maybe Not

1 min

The uneducated self,

It looks for haven itself.

It loiters seeking peace,

Not knowing it doesn't exist!

It's the people we meet that matters,

It's beautiful with them and endless chatters.

It's the memories that we make,

That keeps our lives awake.

Life's just a bubble, they say,

Overlooking its meaning to convey.

Life, it's truly simple, as you said,

It's we, who make it complicated.

Your words, they always strike a chord,

That's why you're always adored.

Wherever you go, no matter how many miles,

Never forget to have your smile.

Always be cheerful; never feel let down,

You'll always find happiness around!

Remember me, for I'll always wait,

Just to see you happy - my dearest mate!

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