Vandana Damani Mishra

Drama Tragedy


Vandana Damani Mishra

Drama Tragedy

Father- Unsung Hero of My Life

Father- Unsung Hero of My Life

1 min

I couldn't carry you in my womb,

But I always carried you in my heart.

The tears which fell from your eyes,

Had a share of my part.

When you took your first steps,

I shivered at every move.

"Take care, my child !"

Don't hurt yourself in the groove.

The day I left you at school,

My heart ached in oodles.

Had it to happen so early?

That you had to carry your satchel.

I couldn't drop a tear,

When your mother left us forlorn.

How could I raise you girl?

Haunted me till early Morn.

She needs a mother,

People hushed as days passed by,

"She already has one !"

Screamed everday, God knows why.

Days turned into Years,

And I left you in Tears,

You slept close to me,

Our Graves were so near.

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