Down The Memory Lane
Down The Memory Lane

Down Memory Lane, we stroll,
A journey through moments, heart and soul.
Recalling the days of youthful zest,
Where dreams were woven, and hope was blessed.
Hand in hand, we traverse the past,
Like whispers carried on the wind so vast.
With each step, a familiar scene unfurls,
Tales of laughter, joy, and tears it hurls.
In childhood playground, we roamed free,
Imagination soaring, as wild as can be.
Friends we made, forever in our hearts,
Their faces were etched with memories of fine arts.
Teenage years, a flurry of emotions untamed,
Love's first blush, hearts fiercely inflamed.
Music and laughter, dances in the rain,
Bold ambitions fuel each dreamer's vein.
The corners t
urned, and we find ourselves grown,
Paths diverged, yet in our hearts, seeds sown.
Life's milestones etch their marks on our faces,
Wisdom is earned from both triumphs and chases.
The bittersweet moments, losses we've endured,
Lessons learned, and strength procured.
But through it all, the thread that binds,
Our shared experiences, the ties that remind us.
Down Memory Lane, we wander hand in hand,
Reflecting on a life so beautifully planned.
The tapestry of memories, vibrant and true,
Weaving a story of me and you.
So let us cherish these moments dear,
Embrace the laughter, and hold back the tear.
For Down the Memory Lane, we'll always find,
A treasure trove of love, forever intertwined.