Teesta Chatterjee

Romance Tragedy


Teesta Chatterjee

Romance Tragedy

Even Then

Even Then

1 min

Scientists say we all were a part of one big star once 

Then that star shattered, we got scattered everywhere

Creatures came and went, so did many more things 

But somehow i feel i loved u even when it was just spring

Back in time, when we were just a man,

i would draw doodles in my cave, to show them my wants

 But oh, how I didn't draw you 

Not because i couldn't, but a mere doodle could not capture the beauty my eyes did.

It's the same know, my eyes tell u the thousand words i wanted to say now, and then

But oh, my troubled soul never understands 

that u don't read my eyes, nor lips, nor heart.

Cause if u did, u'd know how much i loved you even when we were a part of


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