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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

sunil saxena

Drama Romance Others


sunil saxena

Drama Romance Others

Divine Ra

Divine Ra

6 mins

Divine Ra you send me the message in your words

I am yours

With two hearts painted

side by side touching each other

why do you pain your heart

touching mine with your tender soul

you know I have heart of stone

I can only give you a heart ache

By not looking at you

Even when you stare at me

Even when you will stare at me till you die

If I don’t look at you

Why do pain me with your sad stare

Why do you tear my heart

Why do you tear my soul

Why do you stand in front of me with faded clothes

With your lovely feet dirty

With you never knowing me how I feel

When you can never see all of my heart

When you can never read me in between the lines

No matter how well , even if you read me as an open book

I am still I

The heart of stone

You know I am the liar

You know I am the pretender

You know I am in repentance

Why do you tear my soul

Why do tear my heart

By coming in front of me

Just staring at me with your beautiful eyes

Just in silence staring at me

Tearing my soul, tearing my heart

Beware of me, I am the liar

I am the heart of stone

In the present times

I am the one your heart desires

I am not your knight in shinning armor

You will be disappointed when you will see the real me

Face to face to you

Saying word to word to you

Looking in your beautiful eyes

Sitting before you and talking to you

As you are in flesh and body and soul

And not just an illusion in your dreams in your thoughts

And not just words in your mind

And no longer abusing your mind

In present times

I am so simple in flesh and bones in body and soul

Your illusion of me will come crashing down

Your tender soul hurt

Why do you tear my heart Divine Ra

Why do you tear my soul Divine Ra

What pleasure do you get from doing so

Your words , I am yours

 painted before my eyes

Your two heart painted side by side touching each other

Always glare at me

Like the sun shining in my eyes

Smarting me scaring me

Making always think of you

Every time I look at them

Why do you do this to me

Why do hate me softly so much

Why do kill me softly so much

But you know

I have a heart of stone

Also in the present times

Beware of me Divine Ra

I am the liar

I am the deceiver

I am the pretender

I may make your heart flutter with concern

By jumping around in the dark

Where others fear to tread

But I do nothing

I am just innocent like a baby

Your illusion of me in your dreams

May come crashing down

When you touch my flesh and body

When you come to me up close

My true heart and soul

Beware of me Divine Ra

I am the heart of stone

You are the tender soul

Why do you stare at me from far like there is no tomorrow

Like it is now or never

You drive a wedge in my heart of stone

By your soft sad gentle stares from far

Your lovely face sad

Your beautiful eyes staring at me blankly

You torture my emotions for hurting your gentle soul

You take my peace of mind away from me

With the thought of seeing you sad

Beware of me Divine Ra

I am the pretender

I am the heart of stone

Your beautiful face ever so soft

Showing the gentleness of your tender soul

Your lovely beautiful feet dirty

Your lovely slender soft hands burning in the sun

Your lovely red full lips cracked and parched

Your charming smile on your lips silent

Why do your tear my soul Divine Ra

Why do you tear my heart Divine Ra

Beware of me Divine Ra

I am the pretender

I know you are Merlin ruth

I know you are magician

You can speak with your eyes

You can speak with your lips

I know you can speak a thousand word with your smile

But I only pain your gentle heart

Why don’t you pull away

Why can’t you be happy in the embrace of other Romeos

In the touch of other Romeos

Why do you stare at me like there is no tomorrow

Tearing my soul, my heart , my compassion , my passion

Beware of me Divine Ra

I am liar of liars

I am the deceiver

I am the pretender

I am the heart of stone

You are the queen of hearts

You rule all hearts but mine

That is what I want to think

But you will be in my heart

In my dreams

In my words for you

Thoughts of you in my soul

If you ask my life

I will give it to you

Without a word of protest on my lips

Without a flinch on my face

Beware of me Divine Ra

I am liar of liars

I may just run away to be in the arms of other women

If you ask my life

You never know me

In the present times

I am the blast from the past

Full of filth and wisdom still

That is why I still pain your heart

By saying to you even if you give me poison

I will drink it raising a toast to you

With your honor in tact

Divine Ra , Divine Ra , Divine Ra

Why do you pain my heart

Why do you tear my soul

Why don’t you just let me die in your arms

With not a thought of anyone else in the world

You are in my dreams

You are in my thoughts

You are in my words I write for all

You are my dedication

You are my inspiration

You are the ruler of my soul

The controller of heart

But you never know Divine Ra

Beware of me

You know I am the pretender

I love you Divine Ra

You know I lie to you

Beware of me Divine Ra

I am the liar of liars

I will lie to you with an open heart

I will lie to you after crossing my heart

I will lie to you every time you bat an eye lid

I will lie to you every time I say I love you

I will lie to you every time you take your every breath

I will lie to you every time I say my heart beats only for you

I will lie to you with my every heart beat

I will write my longest poem to you

Just to lie to you

You never know me Divine Ra

Beware of me Divine Ra

I am the liar

I am the pretender

I have a heart stone

I may lie every time I say you are beautiful

I am looking and thinking of other lovely women and calling you beautiful

I lie to you every time I say your smile is charming

I am eyeing at the women next to you and making glad eyes at them all

I lie every time , I say, the look in your lovely beautiful eyes intoxicate me

I am looking above your head and looking into the eyes of other lovely women

I lie to you every time , I say , your full red lips are mesmerizing

I may be dreaming the touch of the lips of your best friend

I lie to you , every time , I say your lovely long soft hair madhosh me , make me lose my senses

I may be dreaming of the other lovely women , you hate to know

Every time I say I love you Divine Ra , I lie to you

Do you like to hear it , Divine Ra , do you , do you , or do you

Beware of me Divine Ra

Beware of me a thousand times Divine Ra

Beware of me mahadevis

Beware of me sakhis

Beware of me gopis

You know, I am the lair

I am the deceiver

I am the pretender

I have a heart of stone

Divine Ra, Divine Ra, Divine Ra

Beware of me, beware of me

Divine Ra

Divine Ra

Divine Ra…..

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