Debanjali Nag

Drama Tragedy


Debanjali Nag

Drama Tragedy



1 min

Deserted by her fate,

No one came to ask her,

Was she travelling alone,

As a newlywed bride.

Roads were silently sleeping,

Just then the bus had started to go.

Inside a blanket, she held a baby,

Of two months old,

It was the night of her wedding,

She had fled without informing.

Dark cold night and a storm,

Was being tied to her life.

A drunkard as her hubby,

Who had married just for the sake of dowry.

The moment she was asked to leave the baby,

She wondered what reason she could give to save her kid.

She had earnestly asked for a day,

And she would hand the baby over to another place.

She w

as ready in disguise of a bride,

To celebrate with him her first night.

Recalled moments from her past,

Her father gave her poison to fetch.

A man wanted to tie the knots,

But poverty was the only cause.

Who would marry a single mother,

It is India and not a city that accepts the case.

With a bag full of sarees and baby wears,

She left midnight her husband's place.

On the way to her lover's house,

A storm hit the roads and the bus met with a grave accident.

Rescued by strangers who would say,

They found a baby lying dead.

The hell broke and took away all she had,

Now a life she felt quite deserted by fate.

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