Angela mozingo

Drama Tragedy


Angela mozingo

Drama Tragedy



1 min

With each passing day, I set in a gloomy haze.

I wait for your voice or even a laughter from thee.

All I hear is silence to be,

why can't there be one day where you are here with me.

My life is so empty and filled with dark,

my heart feels so torn apart.

Some days are hurt and others are anger not knowing why you two were taken from me.

my dreams of getting old with thee is never going to be.

God is the only one who knows why he took you two from me

.I know one day that we will meet at that pearly white gate.

we shall float about the clouds as the angel's of three,

but until than please save me a seat with thee

.I miss you both for you two were the parent's god chose for me.

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