Deadly Sun

Deadly Sun

1 min

One full night 

A crown with a golden sword fallen down 

On earth from the sky,

A star born 

With beautiful blue eyes,

Mother earth given him the 

Green dress to wear,

Every one called him 

As a peace lover,

Every day 

He defeats 

The evils,

He fights 

And fights all the day long,

Everytime he gets a deep wound over his mortal body,


p>A wound 

Of never to be recovered,

Bleeds, even cries long 

In every night 


Unable to do nothing as 

The night belongs 

To the deads,

He sleeps 

He crawls over the mother earth,

Tells the tale of pain 

To the wombed child of his wife 

In a sarcastic tune

Be brave,

Be fight ever,

Be rise and set 



The deadly sun.

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