Dare To Defy
Dare To Defy
Hope seemed to be a distant call,
All modes of escape closed,
Monsters haunted her down,
Dwelling within human bodies around.
Emotions seemed to have faded,
Nothing but fear resided,
Trying hard to fight back against the world,
Everyday she collapsed, degraded.
Dreams she held within,
Were like taboos to the world,
Shunned and criticized by all,
Like an injured bird, she fell.
Alas, even her loved ones,
Were now bent on suppressing her,
"Follow the rules of the world", they said,
"Or else you'll just be an outcast".
Crumbling under the societal hell,
She lost the will live,
Haunted by " DO's" and "DONT's"
Her life resembled a nightmare.
A shard of glass is all that took,
To deliver her from the pain,
Drenched in her
own blood she lay,
With a heavenly smile on her face.
"Poor child", said a guy,
"Why would she end her life?"
"Probably a love affair", muttered the other,
"Kids these days are so dense and rash".
The murderers themselves mourned her death,
Knowing not their crime,
Covering their tracks with morality codes,
The hypocrites continue to roam the realm.
Countless innocent lives,
Welcomed death under their regime,
In an 'END' they sought the freedom,
That life didn't provide.
Just a word of advice my pals,
Heed it, if you DARE TO DEFY,
This life is all you've got,
Struggle to make it worthwhile.
Death maybe an easy escape,
But it's not the only way out,
Stand up and strive for yourself,
Rather than giving up without a fight.