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Shilpi Das

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Shilpi Das

Abstract Classics Inspirational

Dada As An Assistant Professor

Dada As An Assistant Professor

1 min

In Halls of wisdom,

'Neath the scholar's Gaze,

You stand resolute,

A Beacon in the maze.

With honour clad,

A Knight of intellect,

Your wisdom's Sword,

The truths to intersect.

In realms of duty,

Where honour takes the lead,

You march forth,

A Guardian indeed.

Your armour forged from principles so pure,

A Noble Heart

A Steadfast,

Strong allure.

Through corridors of time,

Your legacy engraved,

Your tales of valour,

In history are paved.

A Gentle knight,

With kindness as your shield,

In every challenge,

Your virtues are revealed.

So raise A Toast to you

Both wise and just,

In your noble path,

I Place my trust.

A Figure grand in life's Unfolding story,


The embodiment of grace and glory.

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