Anneliese Marie Frank
Anneliese Marie Frank
Anne Frank
Born on twelfth
In Frankfurt
Of Germany
Went to Holland
To survive
From Nazis.
World War 2
As you acquire
Is deceitful and dread
What can they do
Else of hiding
To escape the cruelty
Eight Jewish
Hiding under
An annex
With Anne Frank
As chatterbox
She wrote
Her sufferings
And desires
In an autograph book
Which she named Kitty
As the years
Went she established
Into an ambitious women
With s
ense of maturity.
Bubbly to sensible
Yes, she altered
On 4th August 1944
The day was full of
Fret for them
A SS guard
Betrayed them
And took them
To concentration camp
Last shipment
Sensing Margot 's death
She died with her sister
In Bergen Belsen.
In the stars it was written
That she would be the
Light bearer of the Jewish suffering
Her diary is thus
The most moving account of
Holocaust history