Kamala DN



Kamala DN


Angst Of The Present Time

Angst Of The Present Time

1 min

When you think 

Of the world there are 

Tensions and challenges…

Whether I should write 

About the Increasing corruption

In society or do I have to 

Write about people's lives of

A non-violent country

Vulnerable to terrorism?..

Should I write

Increasing pollution, or 

Declining human values

Day by day...

Mechanical life

In the shadow of fearsome 

Modern ideas

Lost childhood innocence;

Declining care;

Social commitment and 

Increasing satanic trend.

This is the changed family image….

Intolerance in mind; 

Pronouncing the

'Vande Mataram', slogan 

For the prosperity of the country,

In the name of security

Exploiting the innocent ..

It's changed politics


Because of the sacrifice 

Of millions of people, we have 

Gained the freedom of the country 

And are now in the hands 

Of some bloodthirsty.

Strike, rallies have now been said

Cheap things ..

It seems that 

Gandhiji's dream of 

'Rama Rajya' remains a dream only….

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