Vidyalakshmi Iyer



Vidyalakshmi Iyer


An Ode To The Eternal!

An Ode To The Eternal!

1 min

From the hands of the Creator 

He came right into this idyll, 

Wrapped in blood of his mater.

Eyes content for the cradle.

He stamped, walked, fell down 

In the lap of this mother 

Who promised to be his' own -

Immortal to look after.

For his only eternal haven,

He made himself his nemesis.

Guns, camps became comrades,

Day and night to insulate.

He knew less about his esse

But a vast about his untold amity.

He cuddled the snow of woes,

Scoring a hundred in fraternity. 

He dreamt; Oh sorry,

How can the clouds even doze -

When the earth wants to dream;

This clouds never dare to.

They wee

p out the tears as rainstorms 

At times to strengthen: 

The brotherhood,

At times to quell the foe.

After the escapades; 

To fall from the war horse 

And wrap himself in the tricolor -

Again with blood and flesh,

This time,

Embracing the sands of his land -

The umbilical cord of his perpetual Maa - gave him the solace:

To the brave mortal Son!

Born to fight,

Died to liberate.

He embraced death

To spawn lives -

The second chance!

That which life doesn't

But death gives.

The death of the fighter!

Yet he isn't dead

He lives right here,

Will never let you forget

Your painful yet dutiful!

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