English enthusiast
A cloud of delusion waiting all along To let the rain of acceptance pour down strong A cloud of delusion waiting all along To let the rain of acceptance pour down...
The magnificence of which to, the eyes of a common creature were glued. The magnificence of which to, the eyes of a common creature were glued.
They treated me like an empty bottle, Although I did work with full throttle, The solution was not... They treated me like an empty bottle, Although I did work with full throttle, ...
A book is the need of the moment, Which can act as your best friend. A book is the need of the moment, Which can act as your best friend.
"Today I got time to sit by the window sill, No problems no worries just chill" "Today I got time to sit by the window sill, No problems no worries just chill"
After all I am her child and not some dog out in the wild, but she prefers the maid over me after ne... After all I am her child and not some dog out in the wild, but she prefers the m...
Truly my heart was made of tin... As i threw all the memories in the bin, (an imagination) Truly my heart was made of tin... As i threw all the memories in the bin, (an im...