Hold Back

Hold Back

1 min

Push, steer, cry, push!

Out I was,

Tears trickling along those milky cheek.

Yet twinkling almonds, blushy and meek.

Kicked a little,

Woah! Straight in the air.

Voila; Exclamation! Laughter!

And with love chimed to hold back.

Braided my hair with ribbons,

Running a little to fast.

And the usual lambaste

And I was told to hold back

The sweet little heartpie. Ah boy,

Funny little packet of joy.

Given all the chances to explore,

And again,

I was told to hold back.

This time I cried,

Broke in pieces a little,

Or maybe a lot.

But I told myself,

To hold it back.


Sheer happiness,

Out I crawled.

Dew drops on the edge of the leaf,

Into l'ecole, with my belief.

Streaming through the lilac desire.

Failures and achievements,

Sparks and fire.

Trapped at times.

Dusted myself to get what was mine.


The curtain fell,

Grim injustice I faced, nerves got numb

Limbs got taut.

Past, turned back.

Giggled on my face.

My once white, now grey wings etched in pain.

I was once again .

Yes once again.

Told to hold back.

Searching for an answer.

Because that's what girls are supposed to do darling.

Was I really born to hold back?

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