Who is The Biggest Thug?

Who is The Biggest Thug?

1 min

In Monterrey one pupil asked a question to Guru, “Guruji, Who is the biggest thug in this world?”

Guru replied, “All Saints, Monks, and Mahatmas are the biggest thugs of this world”

After hearing Guru’s answer, pupil got shocked rather than amazed.

Pupil asked again, “Guruji, All Saints, Monks, and Mahatmas are sacred people. How could they be biggest thugs? I don’t understand your answer.”

Guru smiled and answered, “Illusion (maya) of this world has infatuate all the people of this planet, whereas all sacred people have infatuate illusion (maya) itself, then who else can be the biggest thug in this world?”

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