Raju Ganapathy



Raju Ganapathy


When Deepika Danced

When Deepika Danced

3 mins


The summer was scorching and with the temperatures soaring the entire nation was simmering with a few exceptions. The ensuing drought would ensure that the vision of trillion- dollar economy would be easily scuttled. The Director of Indian Meteorological Division said that they have reached the limit of their science and satellite and the monsoon is playing truant and indefinitely delayed.

The Director of Indian Vedic Research Organisation said that one can do ancient style yagnas and homas and create artificial clouds to bring on rain. An ardent cricket fan suggested that we bring the world cup cricket to India from England so that the cricket fans from across the world along with the Indian fans can help cool the temperatures. Then somebody suggested should India play Pakistan again the temperatures may soar again. Besides, with May already gone England may not agree to shift the venue in June.

The debate raged. Then someone suggested that Lord of Rain, Indira should be invited and considering his proclivity for married women and dance one should organize a dance competition between who else but Deepika and Priyanka.

The Ministry for culture and tradition immediately took up the suggestion and a dance competition were organized in the late evening in the precincts of the Redfort. Indira was sent an invitation by the alien division in the space application centre. Indira gracefully accepted the invite and as a token of acceptance sent two roses embedded with a sleeping bee in each of them. He had just finished reading the Vikramaditya tales and he liked the idea of putting bee in the flower to test the dancer’s skills. So, the dance began with a flower each decorating the damsels. Should one of them do a mis step it would disturb the bee and the result would be a sting and the damsel would stop dancing. It was really a jugaad of an idea.

Priyanka who was just recovering from a leg injury could not cope up for long and she took a mis step and the bee buzzed in her bonnet and stung and there she fell in the’ nick’ of time into the waiting arms of her spouse. Deepika was declared winner and Indira presented her the “Sawan ka Badal’. Next day one lakh girl babies who were born were named Deepika and created a Guinness world record.

Veer who was witnessing all this with Indira around felt ‘if something can go wrong, it will ’having read Murphy’s law, threw a challenge at Indira in a rage and ‘ran’ after him. Indira let his Airavat loose and scurried all over India and the rains followed him. Soon the Director IMD declared that the monsoon was normal.

With the rains, farmers cheered the rain. The market too cheered the rain and the Sensex too went on a ‘bull’ run while the temperatures cooled down.

Ranveer got drenched in the rain and the rage was rinsed off. He and Deepika danced in the monsoon and it became a youtube sensation. The entire nation danced following them. With the onset of monsoon peacocks too danced in the countryside.

Back at the heavens Ramba and Urvashi went on a strike and Indira had to present roses to them as well without the bees. Ramba went ho ho to Usha Utub’s urgings and Urvashi danced to take it easy policy.

Mr India, as his won't these days, offered a special prayer to Indira as his impending troubles were washed off by the rain and declared “mogambo kush hua.”



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