True Love

True Love

2 mins

To find love is a discovery and happens within your life's journey.

During the whole of time one can seek

And discover God, who were told is love.

And so then it is in yourself you will wish

To search for this immense love so elegantly beautiful and always existed.

We are told God is within us and we in Him.

How could we find true love from without?

Or from any other? It would be a tragedy for one not to discover this immense love

So perfect and far more than any would need to embrace or speak of knowing once you've found its relic and wonder of its very

Nature and in all ways finally, understand.

Find this love

within you, there it has been

All the entire time and cease your attempts to discover it anyplace else outside of your own wonderful life. Love is God and man is with the Elohim as that eternal creation.

One could not find any other, for there is only the one true love and it is perfect for all of us, no matter where we find ourselves to be or where. I pray it is the very thing

You discover before you come to another and profess that which you may not have found yet and as life is a learning road

Love can be found and it hasn't a thing to do with the marriage of this world, yet I do pray you to discover the authentic perfect bliss it is and always has been.

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