Kartik Aggarwal



Kartik Aggarwal




4 mins

I am sure that none of us has missed the chance of entering an old store in our house. A sure site is a spider web in all corners of the small ceiling. It is attached perhaps so slightly to the four corners, yet suspended. Probably that is how we define 'fiction'. Though 'one with corners of reality' yet completely suspended; in touch with only the senses of reality but away from the architecture or the people that reality inhabits. It's indeed a free search of the mind's eye, a limitless boundary, a new dimension.

If I try defining fiction, I ask myself, is it an escape from the catastrophe and mundaneness we see around? Or is it a fresh food of thought to the mind or a window to another world when the door of our lives is tarnished with monotony? Perhaps I like to also call it my infinity.

If I factually put in your plate, I would say, it is colossal of alternative timelines or an aisle of fictitious characters where just the 'what if' is erased from the beginning of the contour and everything is given a form acceptable to the perceivable portion of the brain; it's nothing more than be-fooling the mind willingly.

Let's just skip the 'why fiction' for some time; why's our dreary, what's our fascinating? What has always engrossed me is the kiddish fiction; Dragon Ball-Z one of my personal favorites. It's like you know, it's not true but you clench your fist when the fictions character faces jeopardy, you smile along as he somehow manages a secret get 'through' by churning the mountain, he walls over the deep river as if they were shallow enough for survival, he uses the brain, power, and wit at exactly the right split second. And hold on, you are so influenced that scribbling a hymn for the HERO won't take you long because you are so into him. That's exactly where the whole amusement lies concealed; here Fiction is a delight. And hats off to the creator of such delight! It requires unchaining yourself from the shackles of the existent picture and think off an off the track bizarre setting.

As I climb up another step

on the ladder and unbolt the door to the domain of 'SCI-FI' I see it as a multi-dimensional form of fiction that has reason to every 'Why' that strikes the reader while going through it. It is probably a fiction of sequential logic where an idea is worked upon very sharply by the creator to immeasurable depths and immaculate thinking. Inception stands out as a glorious paradigm. Although we generally believe that fiction is a free surge of thought and truth is without climax, without surprises, but you know what is eccentric. SCI-FI is obliged to stick to possibilities; it is hard to step out of the realm you have created in your setting. Truth isn't like that; what reality offers sometimes is extraordinary than the limited contexts of possibilities fiction has to offer. But I guess the problem is, not often but rarely the truth is surprising, so we created fiction with lots of valley and peak points to fill in the voids of climax that our mind yearns for.

Fiction isn't always a new world, or, to say, a new wholesome of characters; perhaps it's sometimes just a suiting modification to the realistic life, sometimes presented as serendipity and sometimes as an elixir pumped into the monotonous life, sometimes a story of love unexpressed, bottomed into a corner of heart makes its way as fiction, sometimes the long life regrets, which penned flair into desire; or sometimes just a concrete of 'life you aspired' flairs up fictitiously as the 'life you lived' penning all throat down, at times, is oddly comforting. The arena of fiction is just one of the clues to the extent of the human psyche. Fiction is a constructive tool that helps us create unfeasibly and imagine the unimaginable.

As I arrived in the closing stages of this piece, I wish, I could just wink at thee... and let this be a 'get set go' to my world of fiction. Wish I could endlessly switch at will. But something tells me, fiction is strange, 'truth is the stranger'. Who knows when the 'wink trick' actually starts to work out! Until then, I have my fingers crossed…

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