Sonia Rodrigues



Sonia Rodrigues


Think Beyond Yourself

Think Beyond Yourself

3 mins

As I walked slowly towards the grocery store, a million thoughts ran through my mind. Would I be able to buy all my requirements with my limited resources? Would I be able to tick off at least the basic essentials in my shopping list? With a family of 6 to feed, EMIs to clear, a bed ridden parent to nurse, bills to pay and a salary that seemed to vanish into thin air as soon as it arrived … the balance sheet of life was tilting heavily towards debit with no sign of improvement on the credit.

I was shaken out of my reverie by a sniffle and I stopped to check who it was. Just outside the store was a child, who looked about 8, shivering in the cold. She was covered in what looked like fragments of clothes and seemed famished. Pushing aside my thoughts, that was so focused on myself, I reached out into my bag and found a packet of biscuits that I offered her. The speed with which she consumed the biscuits bore witness to the extent of her hunger. My heart went out to her and I asked if I could get her something else. I also checked if there was anyone around with her, but could spot nobody. She softly responded that while she was undeniably hungry, she was more worried about her younger two siblings who would have to spend yet another night in the biting cold. She pointed towards a small bush opposite the road where I saw h

er little sisters had taken shelter to seek protection from the harsh weather. She then hesitantly asked if I had any old warm blankets to spare which her sisters could use.

Listening to her, deep within, I felt ashamed of myself. Here was a helpless child with nothing, yet her concern towards her siblings took precedence over her own hunger and discomfort. And here I was, blessed with so much, yet I chose to only focus on my problems and my fears. Without another thought, I assured her I would be back and rushed back home. My trip to the grocery store seemed far less significant at this point. Quickly I opened my cupboards and pulled out the warm clothes and blankets I knew were lying unused and packed them up. Upon my return to the same spot, I found the child waiting with hopeful eyes that lit up when she saw me. I handed over my parcel to her and watched as she rummaged through the bag, feeling the warm material. She raced across towards her siblings and covered them up, with tears of joy. I had also packed some food which they all devoured hungrily. She looked across the road and as her eyes met mine, the gratitude therein filled my heart like nothing else ever had in life. And I felt the balance sheet of life tilting towards something that was immeasurable yet priceless.


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