The Power Of Love
The Power Of Love

Sometimes we make some decisions that could be life changing. But we still will be having a second chance to re-look at the decision we have taken, for our better future. Even after we re-look, if we don't realise our mistake,then repenting about it at a later point of time would be of no use. Here is one such story with twists.
December 20. The most awaited day was here.
She jumped out of her bed,opened the wardrobe, took out her favourite dress and pressed it neatly. She then looked at the clock. It was 8. "Its already 8, I need to hurry up", she told herself. She opened her makeup kit,took out a lipstick,applied it on her lips. Nicky was getting ready for the most important day of her life.
In the MS road lane,Mohith was yelling at his mom. "Mom why didn't you wake me up? Its already 8:15 and I haven't even finished my shower. How am I going to be ready within 9?". "I have been trying to wake you up since 7. But you don't seem to get up at all.The 'get up' song of your alarm played so many times. You snoozed it everytime. Why can't you be responsible enough?. Learn to get up early and keep your room clean. You won't have anyone to help you there". Keeping alarms, asking mom to wake him up and not getting up was the same story daily. Mohith's mom Kaveri would repeat the same dialogues everyday. But Mohith never seemed to learn a lesson out of it. But today,was the most awaited day of his life and he ought to be in the decided place at time. Like everyday, Mohith picked up a dress from the heap lying on the floor and told his mom "I won't be having food. Its already late" and waved off. "Look at your dress! Don't you look at yourself in the mirror before going out? Give me your shirt . I'll press it and give it you.I don't want my son to look shabby", yelled Kaveri at Mohith again. Mohith knew that his mom would do it for him.So he never bothered to press his dress.
Nicky was ready by 9. She looked at the mirror. Made sure everything was proper and rushed to the parking area where she had kept her scooty. Suddenly,she went running to her room and grabbed the helmet.She clipped it and sat on the scooty. "Bye bye dad. See you later. By the way,there is a CD on my table.Please call Kaveri aunty and watch it together immediately"."CD? What CD is it?Why should I call Kaveri?"asked Harish curiously."No questions dad!Please watch it now",said Nicky."Okay. Bye dear,take care",said Harish.
'The premier hall',the board read. Nicky parked her vehicle, looked around but didn't find Mohith."Same story!Never on time",thought Nicky. Just at the same time, a man with classy goggles,and traditional jubba, stopped by her side. He hugged Nicky and winked at her. "Omg Mohith. You look so dashing today!",exclaimed Nicky."Thankyou dear!Shall we get in now?",said Mohith."Yes,sure",told Nicky affirmatively. As they moved into the hall, a red carpet welcomed them warmly.The stage was beautifully decorated.The banner had in it,memorable moments of their life. Both Nicky and Mohith were teary eyed and said to each other."This is going to one memorable day"."Shall we then make a move?",asked Nicky."Yes,lets go",said Mohith. Nicky got into Mohith's car and they headed towards Arthi Nagar. They were now infront of an oldage home. They had brought with them a saree, a dhothi and a kurta. The manager greeted and signalled them to go upstairs. Kasturi and Rudrappa were talking to each other. "Good morning Ajja and Ajji. Happy 50th anniversary to you both",said Nicky and Mohith in a chorus,as they fell to their feet seeking their blessings. The two of them were on cloud nine. They were lachrymose. "Thankyou so much Nicky and Mohith. God bless you both.We are in loss of words.How are you ?",asked Kasturi. "We are both fine Ajji",told Mohith. They handed over the saree to Ajji and the dhoti and kurtha to Ajja."This is a small gift to you. Get ready,we will take you on a round in car",told Mohith."Travelling at this age? We are old and have no strength to sit for long duration dear.You have made us very happy by visiting us today!What more do we need?",told Rudrappa. "Please don't tell no today Ajja. This is our wish. Please get ready and come with us", uttered Mohith.
Draped in a beautiful maroon saree,suiting her fair complexion,Kasturi came out ready,with a sparkle on her face.Rudrappa looked dashing in the dhothi and kurtha. The broad smile on his face outshined the wrinkles.Their grandchildren had come to take them on a round and there couldn't be any reason for them not being happy. Mohith gently held his grandpa's hands, Nicky her grandma's. They walked slowly till the car. Mohith opened the car door and signalled his ajja,ajji to occupy the seats. Both of them got into the car. The car stopped infront of the premier hall. The hall had banners with photos of Nicky's and Mohith's childhood days with their grandparents.The beautiful decoration, reminded both Nicky and Mohith of their birthdays when their grandparents would lift them and throw them in air,kiss them on their cheeks,gift them their favourite items.The love that they had showered was immeasurable.Today it was their turn to give it back. Kasthuri and Rudrappa's happiness knew no bounds."Why do we require this at this age?Your visit itself made us happy.Why was all this required?", questioned Rudrappa."Ajja,we have already told.You are not telling no to anything today",told Nicky. Melodious olden music played in the background. Kasthuri and Rudrappa were made to sit on the decorated chairs on the podium. After 5 mins, a group of people made a sudden entry to the hall. They were the people from Kasthuri and Rudrappa's friends group who would chat for hours together in the park years back when they stayed at Nicky's house. Thereafter came another bunch of people,the ones from the oldage home, along with the manager. The cheerful faces of the old people in the hall made Nicky and Mohith's day.The people from the oldage home, knew nothing of this sort.They never attended any function. Nobody would wish them on their birthdays and anniversaries.Celebration of this sort was something they never expected. Nicky and Mohith brought a cake,with the wedding photo of their grandparents imprinted on it. All started singing song for the old couple.Tears started rolling down the eyes of Kasthuri and Rudrappa. Nicky and Moh
ith were glad that atleast this time,they were able to bring smile on their grandparents face.
When they were both about to cut the cake, Kasthuri looked at her grandkids and asked them,"Why haven't Kaveri and Harish come?Are they still angry with us?".Nicky's heart skipped a beat.She looked at Mohith. What would they answer now? Nicky remembered her mom's words, "Nobody is going to talk about them from today.Think that they don't exist". Kaveri had said,two years ago. Kaveri always expected her mother to keep the food ready when she would be back home from work. She wanted her house to be clean everyday. She wanted them to water the plants daily. She didn't want them to go on a walk outside as she believed that they would gossip and crib about her. Her parents weren't strong enough to do all the work.They loved going on a walk,but she would prohibit them.They were caged in her house.Sometimes they would end up doing things shabbily and this would enrage Kaveri. One day she couldn't control her anger when the house was totally messed with the spilt oil. Kasthuri and Rudrappa had tried to clean it,but they couldn't owing to their age factor.That is when she decided to not keep them in her house anymore. Harish had always procrastinated the task of getting his parents home. He would always tell that his is a single bedroom house and they wouldn't fit in. By the time Kaveri had put them out, Harish had his home expanded and he had no other option but take them home. He too couldn't adjust with his parents.That is when they decided to put them in a oldage home. Nicky and Mohith had asked their parents to rethink on their decision and tried hard to convince their parents. But they weren't successful. It was 2 years since they were put in oldage home. Nicky and Mohith's face turned wistful. They knew they had failed in convincing their parents. They stood there,beside their grandparents with their heads down. They were just hoping that the CD would do magic.But still, they knew it would not happen.
"No no Ajja. Why would they be angry on you?Its just that they are a little busy . They have asked us to convey their wishes to you both.The saree and dhoti was a gift from their side",said Mohith who had just uttered the first lie of his life. Kasthuri and Rudrappa's dispirited face twinkled a little after Mohith's reply. The cake was then cut. Guests started praising Nicky and Mohith for all the arrangements and told the old couple that they are really blessed to have grandkids like them.The food was served to everyone. Kasthuri and Rudrappa started chatting with their old friends. They felt nostalgic.The function went on well as expected but Nicky and Mohith still had the guilt feeling that they couldn't get their parents for the function. As the function got over,everyone bid adieu. Rudrappa and Kasthuri went back to the pavilion. Mohith hugged Rudrappa tightly and said,"We will miss you Ajja".Kasthuri put her arm around Mohith and said,"We will also miss you. But,we both are happy here.Don't worry about us."It was a blatant lie.As they stepped into their room,they could see someone else sitting on the cot. All their belongings were no longer there. Everyone got worried and questioned the person in the room,"Where did all the belongings go?Why are you here in this room?".The lady told that she was admitted to the oldage home sometime back and she was alloted that room. Nicky and Mohith asked their grandparents to occupy seats as they would go and enquire about it. When they were heading towards office,they saw Kaveri and Harish standing, their face showing signs of guilt. Kasthuri and Rudrappa were on the top of the world when they saw their children.It was 2 years since they had seen them.They got up from their place and started moving towards Kaveri and Harish. Both of them came running to their parents and fell to their feet.They apologized to their parents for being arrogant. Kaveri pleaded,"Amma,I know I have done the biggest mistake of my life. I am repenting now.I request you to please give me a chance. Please come home." Harish added,"Yes Amma,Appa. We failed to understand you . We didn't look after you properly. We have realised our mistakes.Please give us a chance to rectify it".
"You are our children and will always be our children no matter what you do to us. Our love for you will still be unconditional. We were also wrong, we couldn't live upto your expectations. We couldn't manage things. We are sorry for that. We are comfortable here. This has become our home now. You can live in your houses happily without any hindrances.",said Kasturi trying to keep a fake smile on her face. Kaveri and Harish's face turned pale. They knew they had committed a sin. Their penance hadn't impressed their parents. They failed to convince them. With utter disappointment, they decided to go back. Mohith and Nicky were following everything closely. They were astounded at their parents behaviour. They wondered if they were the same parents who had thrown their grandparents out mercilessly. They knew that it was the CD that had done the miracle. The CD had a video with all the photos of the upbringing of their parents. All the happy, funny moments their parents had enjoyed with their grandparents was put in it. Kasturi and Rudrappa had given the best facilities to their children for their better future.They wanted their children to lead a happy life,not a life like theirs where they had to struggle to make the ends meet . The video also had some quotes which made Kaveri and Harish realise the value of their parents.The quote, "Respect old age,its your future" had touched Harish and Kaveri's hearts. Mohith and Nicky had been successful in enlightening their parents. At the end, Nicky said,"Ajja-Ajji please come back home. Your children have changed now. There won't be any problem henceforth.You can lead your life your way.We are grown ups now.We will not let any injustice happen again.Please stay with us. Half a year you stay in our house and the other half in Mohith's house. Come back home, for our sake atleast." The pleasing words melted Rudrappa and Kasthuri's heart.They couldn't say no to them.
Nicky and Mohith were thus successful in getting the love of their lives back. It indeed turned out to be the most memorable day for all of them and not just Nicky and Mohith.