The Pen Of Wisdom

The Pen Of Wisdom

3 mins


This story took place during the Stone age who didn't know anything about modern invisible ink which is made by a fluorescent derived from things in nature that glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. (The main components include dilute laundry detergent, body fluids, tonic water and vitamin B-12 dissolved in vinegar.)


"O' mother! what is wisdom? Does the almighty have any? Anna says it's a futile thing.... is it mother?" asked a curious girl named Stacey. "Sweetheart, wisdom is what enables us to evolve. Humans are those who have learned to expand wisdom over limits anyone can imagine. It is said that the almighty holds all the wisdom that has been discovered and is yet to be discovered in a golden pen. Whoever klicks the pen, becomes the next heir of the present almighty." said her mother. "What's a golden pen? "

"Golden pen is an instrument used to write... just like we use black dye and a feather.... the only difference is that it is made up of a shiny, yellow hard thing. When you start writing with it, all the wisdom, known and unknown, comes out." replied her mother soothingly.


In heaven.....

Messenger -

"Hail the almighty

Hail the almighty

The keeper of wisdom

And the king of his kingdom

Hail the lord

O' hail the lord!

You summoned me, my lord, of what use can I be today?

Almighty -

Bring me the pen of wisdom, it's time the humans down learned something new! I am sick of watching them do the same things day by day.

Messenger -

Assume it's done m' lord.

On the way, the messenger trips over one of the bhavishyavaani (a book that already has the future written in it) and loses hold of the pen which falls to the mortals living below. He approaches the almighty with

his mistake and explains what happened. Furious, the almighty banishes him from heaven and sends him to the dungeon for the rest of his life. The almighty himself comes down to Earth to search for the valuable pen for it contained ways to create destructive items.


Meantime, the pen caught hold of the Earth's gravity and reached the surface close to Stacey's small rock cave where they dwelled. Fascinated by its shine, she picked it up and clicked it. A sparkling light was emitted and the beautiful crown came out of nowhere. It landed on her hair and her clothes changed from the ragged animal skin to a comfortable gown made of silk. By the time the almighty had reached, Stacey's mother got to know and was filled with mixed feelings. When the almighty approached Stacey to recollect the pen, she doubted him and refused to do so. "My child! You being the next heir is just an accident.... It is my job to undo one of my messenger's mistake and that is exactly the reason why I am here. Please return it to me." he pleaded.

"How would I know that you are the real almighty? Besides I have already used this pen so it doesn't matter now even if you take it..... here. "replied Stacey cunningly. Shocked, the almighty asked her what all information came out. "It said something like missiles and bombs and fire and something - something..... since it did not make any sense to me I left it and was looking for a place to hide it when you turned up." she said with pride. Scared, the almighty explained to Stacey that if these ideas met mixed emotions of woe and anger, it could destroy the entire world.


Years later, a boy, being scolded and punished by his parents and teachers for no reason, strikes with these floating ideas and gives rise to a destructive world of death and loss.  

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