The Most Hard Times Of Life
The Most Hard Times Of Life

It is indeed an honour to be a part of this campaign intiated by story mirror. They really are giving common people a platform to showcase their talent. I am a believer in destiny initially. I was very hesitant to share my life experiences with anyone but story mirror has given me a chance to share most hard times of my life with you guys.
When I was in my tenth class my father got sick his condition was so bad that he couldn't go to his office. We were really falling short of money, with my exams approaching in the month of march. I decided to help my mother in every possible way I started taking tuition to buy myself
books. I made all the efforts in the right direction to achieve my goal of becoming something in my life. I started studying day and night borrowed books from my friend and paid my examination fees on my own.
Slowly there was an improvement in my father's condition and I passed my exams with flying colours. I had scored distinction in almost every subject. I was truly on top of the world. Today by God's grace I work as a senior editor in a reputed organisation and I must say that there are no shortcuts to the top. The only way to reach there is through hard work and dedication.
Thanks friends
Love you all!