Poojasri Atyam

Children Stories


Poojasri Atyam

Children Stories

The Modern Phone

The Modern Phone

2 mins

Lily told her that she should use one of the modern phones like iPhones, Oppo, LG... and any other but Elizabeth wasn't comfortable with those. She only uses a landline in her house, that is it. One day, she got a free ticket to the carnival, but it was all day and she didn't want to waste time sliding on slides, swinging on swings, riding Merry-go-rounds, all those things. She wanted to study. That was just one side of her. The other wanted to have fun, so both of them battled with each other and the side which wanted to have fun won.

She went to the carnival, but obviously she didn't take her landline. It's huge! How could she hold it if she wanted to have fun! Lily, on the other hand knew some robbery would occur at Elizabeth's home. So she called tonner landline but Elizabeth didn't take it Lily didn't know she was going somewhere.

She rushed over to Elizabeth's house and somehow managed to get them out. Later when she had got them all tied up, she called the police. Now it was their duty and now it was her duty to find here Elizabeth went. Lily couldn't find her. It was dawn, after coming back home, she still found a few hints missing..she was outraged thinking Lily had taken the things. Then when she went over to Lily's home and Lily told her the whole story and she felt mad on herself now for not listening to Lily and buying a new, modern phone. She was also mad at have her side that wanted to have fun.

The End

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