Naila Hina

Drama Romance Fantasy


Naila Hina

Drama Romance Fantasy

The Magic Cup Naila Hina

The Magic Cup Naila Hina

9 mins

As we have learned about Latif and the Thunder Land, many readers are curious about what happened to them next!

Well, their story is full of magical stuff and fun to listen to or watch or read.

After their fairytale wedding, both lived happily ever after, but on and off they had visits from fairies of Thunderland.

Mecy started taking classes in Economics at Latif's university after taking admission there. She assumed a girl's shape i.e. her feathers remain hidden from public eyes till she reached home. Her beauty supply was available to only the apple of her eyes, Latif!

Thabia had brought back her stuff from Thunder land in which there was a magic cup, in addition to many magical objects. It was just an ordinary-looking thing, made of silver.

But it was a wish-granting cup. These kinds of objects are common with fairies visiting the human world, as they loved to grant their wishes and give gifts and surprise them!

One night there was a bang on their door. Latif got scared but opened the door. There were two pillars of fur in front of him. When he tried to look above to see the big picture and from another point of view, he hurriedly closed the door and ran to Mecy.

Hey, Mecy someone is on a visit for you!

She peeked from the window glass and herself got disturbed. She put out the magic cup and whispered something. There came a saucer there but it was big enough for both of them to stand upon it. Which they did.

To Latif's satisfaction, the scene changed immediately.

They were in some marketplace full of people. Their heights were short like dwarfs.

It seemed like there's a festival around. Music was in full bloom and many were singing poetry and dancing with great fervor and enthusiasm.

Who was him and what is this place? Asked her husband.

He was Sukhrada the grand magician, tarot reader, astrologer, etc of Sunderland. It's what you people call Koh Qaf where giants live.

This place where we are now is the opposite of their world in every aspect. Firstly these people are short enough not to be detected by the giant eyes. It's known as Neither Land.


Sighed Latif.

They also joined them in dancing and their festivities. Nobody gave them any attention despite their tall heights as compared to theirs.

It reminds him of Sunset Boulevard in the 80s somehow. Was it a cowboy on Marlboro advertisement on the neon sign-like thing up next corner of the road? He squinted at the billboard. 

Do they even have a J. Chain of clothing and perfume here for dwarfs or do they import things from earth or even steal from there!!! He wondered 

There was a box-like tent, where a furry old dwarf was telling people their fortunes for 3 elongated coins. They entered there. 

Dry throat, stomachache, shivers running down my spine... 

These symptoms mean that I’m on the verge of sharing some very important new information with you and I need you to discover it alongside me.

This is a rare occurrence, and it shows that you and I are interconnected and that your vibrational energy is at a very high frequency.

Take advantage of this fortunate occasion.

He adjusted his glasses watching Macy tirelessly and kept bluffing :

I have started a tarot reading with you in mind, and not once but twice I drew a card symbolizing separation from loved ones. 

I doubt this separation is by choice, so I’d like to start over with your present so we can understand why it's happening in the first place. 

There were a few mouse-like animals in front of him and he took them all by tails and spindle them in the air then threw them on the table. The way they looked showed him some deep revelations maybe! 

Your best friend doesn't have any special gifts.

Try as she may give you answers, she can only do so through the lens of her own experiences, which don't really relate to what you’re going through right now. 

Let me show you the difference between the help of a real medium and your friend, and you’ll see why you shouldn't always take her advice.

I know I’m supposed to stay strong and not let my emotions get the best of me while providing guidance, but your situation is just so... 

He started crying and they both tried to comfort him and console him for they don't even know what for!! 

You’re such an honest and straightforward person, yet you're facing such injustice right now. 

But I think I've understood the cause of this karmic blockage.

I think you need to...

Multicolored flowers started to bloom where his tears fell on the table there. 

He probably thought owning up to it would mean earning your forgiveness...but it’s not that easy.

Both of them had no idea about whom this thing was talking about but one thing was for sure, he was talking in riddles and they were supposed to solve these riddles by themselves!

He started singing like ballads in a sweet voice and the rainbow got spread on the ceiling and walls of the tent... 

Forgiveness must be earned, otherwise, he’ll think you’re weak and that he can simply start all over again.

So, it’s time to make a choice.


No matter what he tries to make everyone else believe, and no matter what he tries to make himself believe...

You know it, I know it, his friends know it.

Even his family knows it...

There was a suspenseful silence, then he went on:

He’ll end up tragically sad without you in his life,

that much is clear. 

And that is precisely why I recommend that you...

When he comes asking for forgiveness, what will you do?

I’m not saying things are written in stone, and I feel like you didn't actually mean what you said at the moment... but you’re going to have to make amends before the worst happens!! 

your relationship must be saved. 

Act now—it’s not too late to fix this.

He mixed mouse cards and drew again and spread those on the table:


I started a tarot reading with you in mind, and not once but twice I drew a card symbolizing separation from loved ones. 

I doubt this separation is by choice, so I’d like to start over with your present so we can understand why it's happening in the first place. 

Act now—it’s not too late to fix this.

There was lightning in the surrounding area of the tent and some rabbit-like creatures exchanged places with the mouses now. 

Your chart reveals an ongoing struggle.

The universe is putting you to the test by placing obstacle after obstacle in front of you, but I think you’ve already realized this.

Sometimes you just have to put an end to the story, write the ending yourself, and close the book before things turn sour.

That way, the good memories are left untarnished.

Have you been wondering if it’s time to do just that?

Follow me, and we can take a look together : 

I can still hear the comments of those around you, including some of your very close friends... 

"You're imagining things", "you’re paranoid"... "that will never happen"... 

But in the end...

As the saying goes, where there's smoke there's fire.

Are you ready to see the truth behind the smoke? 

You were the only one who understood 

Candles in cascade converge to rekindle the splinter of hope within.

Come let us cruise calmly with a clear and concise stride together on the other side of the covid cataclysm.

The crowd around me should no longer cramp me for a clamorous cry, rather condense and channelize my craze to cease the coming together towards a cause of enormous joy.

Happy Diwali for all, of some elation, an order and grandeur of hippopotamus dimension.

Let us put every hypocrisy of sorts out of our spheres and specification.

However, I don’t think you’ve realized what the underlying goal is, and I need to speak with you about it privately. Sours and the damage is permanent

This is just my opinion,"

Then his eyes widened on watching another rabbit like card:

" Careful, there is a viper in your midst. 

someone in your entourage seems toxic :

Always getting involved in things that don't concern her, always giving her unsolicited opinions, thinking she knows better than everyone else...

But it must be an unconscious way of expressing jealousy. I sense she is toxic!

About whom you are talking would you mind explaining, please... Said Latif and Macy moved her head in affirmation. 

Suddenly the tent entrance was filled with sunlight and some giant entered his head only by bending down to his knees as for him the big tent was too short. 

He took both of them in his hand and boom. 

Now they were in Sundar Land in front of the Giant king Nokosh an old lover and suiter of Mecy.

He loved to deliver the poetic speeches and he started this one as follows :


I bloom with each blame.

Those of your biases bizarre, 

does bring about that bit extra in me,

to bludgeon every archaic barrier and barbaric blocade,

barbed by the barristers,

to boost their blemishless blaze at the hall of fame.

Neither I buckle down an weebit to bend my bland trajectory despite their browbeats or assaults black and blue,

nor even barked back or baked any hate and conspiracy throries,

leaving them irate and bereft any clue.

No saint I am nor deciphering any rocket science it is, 

to appreciate,

with my bouncing back,

their accolades as well would be ingenuine and undue.

At the end of the day,

attitude of crabs and attire of charcoal can catch no other hue.

Latif got impressed no doubt! 

He even thought about giving her love and his wife to this great poet in sportsman spirit, but of course she kicked him in his knee and he returned to his senses! 

He replied to the giant troll with a poem as well :


Don't judge my class

From my apparel

I maybe in someone

Else’s clothes

Appearances deceive

Augmented arguments

King replied in another poem, might be copied from earth!


Tears are pure.

Cleansing impurities out of my mind terrain.

Tears paint my turbulent emotions with the tranquility of repentance.

Tears are still trolled and signify some deeds tarinshed or an image tainted.

Tears transform me to turn tender inside,

despite my tough tone and tenor for an exhibit terrestrial,

some trap I toil for and tune with,

as an attire for the test of survival.

The queen sitting beside him was looking at them cunningly. She was beautiful giant no doubt but her there were snakes instead of hair on her head, like Medosa. 

This must be the viper in the riddle of dwarf Latif concluded. 

Mecy still had the magic cup in her hand and she passed a wish. Then and there soup started coming out of the magic cup and spread all around like a storm in the ocean.

Giant queen put her hand in his hair and threw her snake hair on both of them!

Oh it's a wig! Queen was bald !!!

But the powers of magic cup exceeded those of viper queen. The whole castle got drowned in the ocean of the soup. 

Mecy wished another time and there came a flying saucer again and took them out of the sight of the giant king and his big people and from his world, which seems to be going to totally drown as well, very soon. That is if the Giants didn't drink the tasty soup completely. 

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