The Little Bear
The Little Bear

Once upon a time, there lived a small bear with his mother. It was a Sunday. Little bear told his mother" I want to eat pancakes with honey". Mother bear said "sure dear but you first brush your teeth and take a bath. Till then I will make your pancakes." little bear agreed and went to freshen up. Soon he was ready. He sat at the dining table and asked for some pancakes mother bear said"oh dear the honey is over!. Can you please get some honey from the shop please? Little bear agreed and set off. When he reached the shop and asked for the honey the shopkeeper replied," the honey just got finished this morning itself." little bear got very upset. He began to think of another way of getting some honey. Suddenly an idea st
ruck him. He thought" I should go to the queen bee and ask her for some honey. But when he reached there the guard bees won't let him in. Little bear pleaded with and finally, they let him in. The queen bee asked the little bear" hey little bear what do you want?" the little bear replied" I want some honey" the queen bee agreed and gave her some honey. Little bear thanked the queen bee and the guards and went home. When he reached home he narrated the incident to his mother. The mother after listening to the incident became very happy and said "what a clever little boy you are!" saying so she applied the honey to the pancakes and brought it to the little bear. And finally, he got to eat his pancakes with honey!!!