Varuni D.Bannuri

Children Stories


Varuni D.Bannuri

Children Stories



3 mins

This is a story of a hard working fisherman named Sunil and a lazy beggar named Anil. A fisherman Sunil used to earn his living by selling fishes at the markets. He used to wake up early in the morning and go to his work to collect the fishes in the river.

One day while Sunil was going to the river to collect the fishes, he met a lazy beggar named Anil. Anil was so lazy that he would always look for an easier way to feed himself. When he saw Sunil he asked him some money to have food and without knowingly he gave him some amount which Sunil was having.

Next day, Sunil again met Anil and he asked some more amount to have food. So Sunil told "Anil how many more days will you be begging like this? Why you do this begging work instead of this, work properly and earn your livelihood." Hearing Sunil's words the lazy beggar felt insulted.

That night, Sunil did not get sleep thinking of the lazy beggar Anil and thought to teach Anil a lesson to work hard instead of begging.

Next day, again Anil asked some money to Sunil to have some food, as he was hungry, so Sunil gave him amount to have food and told Anil to meet him tomorrow at the end of the seashore for a reward. Anil was excited.

Next day, before the sun rise, Anil woke up early and was excited for the da

y as he is going to get a reward from Sunil. He was waiting near the seashore where Sunil used to collect fishes. Sunil was surprised to see when Anil was waiting for him.

He met Anil and said "Oh! what a surprise, now it's time for you to give reward but you have to wait for it and to do some helping work alongwith me". So Sunil told to Anil to drop the net to collect some fishes and Anil did as Sunil told. Anil wanted the reward as much as early and want to run from here and he was asking Sunil for the reward, but Sunil said Anil to wait. Then Anil collected many fishes, Sunil felt very happy to see the beggar has done such a good job and told the lazy beggar Anil that what the fishes he had collected was for himself and told him to sell it, when he got to know about this was his reward from Sunil, he was not sure about this. But Sunil told him to earn your livelihood by yourself like this, instead of begging.

Sunil wanted to teach a lesson to Anil that if we do hard work, we can succeed in our life and this was the most remembered lesson for Anil and thanked Sunil to teach a lesson for Anil without arguing.

Moral of the story :- Hard work is the best medicine for success in life.

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