I am Varuni D Bannuri a student from Soundarya Central School, Bangalore, India. I am interested in reading and writing stories, listening and singing songs and dancing. I am a good skater and got medals.
Passion and Dedication can overcome many obstacles in life. Passion and Dedication can overcome many obstacles in life.
This is a story of a adorable, generous and talented youngster named Raksha, who lived with her moth... This is a story of a adorable, generous and talented youngster named Raksha, who...
Every sunrise brings the new opportunities to rewrite the stories of our lives, Every sunrise brings the new opportunities to rewrite the stories of our lives,
I went to bed late night and fell into a deep sleep. As I slept, I had a wonderful dream. In my d... I went to bed late night and fell into a deep sleep. As I slept, I had a wonderf...
From that day on, whenever she saw a rainbow, she smiled, knowing that it was a reminder of the magi... From that day on, whenever she saw a rainbow, she smiled, knowing that it was a ...
Once upon a time, a young girl named Maria chased a rainbow that appeared in the sky after a gentle ... Once upon a time, a young girl named Maria chased a rainbow that appeared in the...
In the evening, we visited our neighbours and relatives and exchanged platters of sweets, dry fruits... In the evening, we visited our neighbours and relatives and exchanged platters o...
Undaunted, Ramya decided to join the battle Undaunted, Ramya decided to join the battle
Both the crow and the cow lived happily ever after. Both the crow and the cow lived happily ever after.
Once there lived a king and a queen who had a daughter, so to have a son they performed various reli... Once there lived a king and a queen who had a daughter, so to have a son they pe...