Asha Palo

Children Stories Others


Asha Palo

Children Stories Others

The Hole In The Vada..

The Hole In The Vada..

2 mins

That was a Sunday when I had the craving for a lovely South Indian breakfast...Had soaked some lentil last evening which I used for this .. I quickly ground them to a thick paste, added some finely chopped onion, not so finely chopped green chilies, a dash of salt and hand-crushed cumin seeds; whisked the mixture well and then I made some good looking Vadas with small circular holes right at the center.

All throughout, I was wondering why does it have to have a hole? Is that only a feature to qualify to be a Vada? Well, scientifically it's there so that it's cooked uniformly but for me; it had an interesting side.

I held it an

d looked through .. What do I see ! .. I should say I only could see what I wanted to or what I was looking for but not all that was there. The hole is so small that you just concentrate on what you exactly want to see and feel instead of everything out there. I saw a beautiful morning, a bright day out there through that special hole, the day full of opportunities to be a better self.

The hole in the whole Vada was something to ponder about .. Through these tough times for the world, my bit to stay positive and look forward to a lovely day!

What do you say? Well, have you ever tried ?? If not, do so and let me know

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