The Haunted Caves of Pahargarh
The Haunted Caves of Pahargarh

Professor Sudarshan Saxena was an expert on cave paintings. He was part of the expeditions that explored the incredible and ancient cave paintings of Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh etc. He was also part of international expeditions to explore and discover ancient cave paintings in many parts of the world. Recently, he was on an expedition to search deep into the Bhimbhetka Caves, in Madhya Pradesh to look for more ancient rock paintings. He was the only person who believed and claimed that more paintings were waiting to be discovered in the interior caverns of the famous caves. And truly, there were indeed a lot more paintings found which portrayed the human evolution in India. The national media, the local and state authorities and the state government all had been taken unaware by this momentous find and all had expressed their deepest and sincere congratulations to Professor Saxena on this find and for doing a great service for humanity and India.
The next day Professor Saxena while relaxing in his hotel, asked his assistant Ram Singh “do you know any more such kind of places where I can look for these kinds of caves?” Ram Singh thought for a long time but could not think of any such place. Munna, the professor’s driver and also a local piqued in and said “I know of one such place but you won’t be able to go there, sahib.” Ram Singh immediately glared at Munna and gave him a warning nod. Sudarshan could not discern the look between the two and asked “Munna! You know of such place?” Munna nodded. Ram Singh was still glaring at Munna. He said, “Sahib Munna doesn’t know anything and he is just saying to get favours from you.” Munna glared back at Ram Singh and said yes “I know a place and it is forty kilometres from here.” Professor Sudarshan was now interested to know why Ram Singh was hesitant to let him know about the place. He asked, “Ram Singh, why are you not letting Munna speak?” Ram Singh “Sahib, I am sorry but I am just trying to be concerned for you only”
Professor Sudarshan “why is that?”
Ram Singh “first, it is deep in Chambal Valley, an area festering with dacoits and also it is a densely forested and hilly region. Secondly, the locals are kind of hostile there to any outside arrival.” Munna did not agree to this and said “Sahib, Ram Singh is too scared to tell you the real reason.”
Professor Sudarshan was surprised and his curiosity grew all the more at this. He asked, “what is this place and why all the secrecy?”
Munna “this place is called Pahargarh, and it is located deep inside Chambal valley.”
Munna “also this place is haunted.”
Professor Sudarshan just looked at him blank-faced and after a few seconds burst out laughing.
He asked “you mean ghosts are roaming around! “Hahahahahah, this is the best joke I have ever heard.”
Both Munna and Ram Singh looked at each other and exchanged glances at this. Sudarshan looked at them and the serious expression on their faces asked “what’s the matter?” “Is there anything you are not telling me?
Ram Singh “No sahib, it’s just that we have grown up listening to stories about that place. Of ghosts and demons and monsters coming out in the night and strange creepy noises”. “Also, our elders have said that these restless spirits pick on any unwary victim and that is the last that is heard of that person.”
Sudarshan “all of this is just to keep the authorities and any nosy intruder out.”
“There is nothing of that sort.”
Munna “sahib, it is all true.”
Munna “ 5 years some college boys and girls had gone there despite the locals warning and out of four people only one returned, and that too, the guy had gone completely insane.”
Sudarshan “what happened to the rest of the three?”
Ram Singh “all had disappeared mysteriously. There was a massive search operation launched for them but could not find a single trace of any one of them. Police thought that this guy had killed all of his companions and hidden their bodies. But unfortunately, could not arrest him because of his mental condition.”
Sudarshan “could have been that this guy had killed all of his companions and was faking his mental condition.”
Ram Singh “sahib, he is still locked up in the most secure psychiatric ward of the mental asylum as he tried to commit suicide last year. So he is kept locked in a straight jacket all the time.”
“Moreover, he was a nice guy as I knew him and one of the people who disappeared was his girlfriend.”
Sudarshan was surprised at all of this still the more eager to explore this place. So he said “all of this chit-chat is not going to change my decision. Tomorrow, we are going to Pahargarh, and that is final.”
Both Munna and Ram Singh had to hesitantly agree and keep their silence on this matter.
All of this conversation had taken up most of the day and a better part of the evening. So it was after dinner time Professor Sudarshan made the last check on things he would have to do tomorrow. He thought out loud “what a fool I have been listening to these two’s fairy tales and ghost tales!” He started out laughing loudly. Anyways, he made last-minute preparations and started to write his daily journal, which he wrote for his wife back in Delhi.
Sudarshan “Dear Madhu, today I came to know about a place which can be the biggest find of my career.” “There is another place here in Madhya Pradesh that has not yet been discovered or explored by anybody.”
Sudarshan “If I can discover these ancient paintings as claimed by Ram Singh and Munna, then it would be a remarkable discovery in the history of the evolution of mankind.”
“And I would be the person who would be making this discovery!”
Sudarshan “this place is called Pahargarh and it is forty kilometres away from the hotel. It is located in the famous Chambal valley.”
Sudarshan “both of these guys are so full of superstitious tales and all kinds of absurd myths about this place being haunted and all.” “They say that ghosts, demons and monsters walk the night!”
Sudarshan “they also say that any unwary visitor becomes a victim of these so-called restless spirits! Hah! “They also told me about this supposedly true story of few guys and girls going up there and only one returning barely alive. That too because he has gone completely insane!”
Sudarshan “anyways, it is getting late now and I have to get up early tomorrow.”
While all of this conversation was going on the weather had all of a sudden changed from bright sunny morning to dark cloudy sky. There was a slight breeze also which had turned into heavy winds during the evening and night. All of seemed to give Professor Sudarshan an ominous warning, but he did not seem to notice it at all. Anyways, as Professor Sudarshan was winding down his work for the night, it was already raining heavily and one of the windows in his room was slightly ajar, so it was constantly being slammed against the window sill. Though he had once or twice gone and shut the window, still it came open by itself and kept on banging.
Now, Professor Sudarshan got angry and said “ I will have to make a complaint at the front desk as this is making a nuisance! He went again to close the window when suddenly he saw a shadow just outside the window. He stopped in his tracks and looked back. It seemed that the shadow was looking at professor Sudarshan only!
He shouted, “who is there?”
When he got no answer he went a little bit closer to the window and again asked “who is there?”
Again, there was no answer just the shadow was standing and intently watching the professor. As Professor moved a little bit closer the shadow seemed to melt away into oblivion. Professor Sudarshan was stunned at what he saw. He shouted again for the benefit of the hotel staff, Ram Singh and Munna, who came running to his room. When all of them asked, “what’s the matter?”
Professor Sudarshan “what kind of security do you have?” “Anybody can come in anybody’s room?”
The hotel staff and Ram Singh were curious and looked around but could not find anyone or anything. The hotel staff tried to make the professor comfortable and promised him that this kind of incident would never happen again.
Munna, surprisingly, was quiet during the whole situation. When Professor Sudarshan asked him “why are you so quiet and did not say anything?”
Munna “sahib, this was a warning for you and us also.”
Sudarshan “what warning?”
Ram Singh “that we should not go to Pahargarh caves tomorrow.”
Professor Sudarshan looked at both of them incredulously and broke out laughing.
“Hahahahahaha..... Both of you have gone crazy!”
Ram Singh and Munna just gave silent stares to each other and kept quiet.
Later on, however, even Professor Sudarshan tried to rationalize what he had seen. “It must have been my imagination”, he thought.
That night when he was sleeping he had these strange dreams of hearing disembodied voices and also of seeing strange creatures, spirits and monsters the whole time while he was asleep.
The coming morning was very hectic as everybody had a heavy schedule ahead and was preparing for the expedition ahead. Some with huge excitement and anticipation of what they are going to find, while others were a bit hesitant knowing the legend behind the place.
Professor Sudarshan was very excited throughout the journey and was enjoying the breathtaking scenery of lush greenery, deep ravines, and winding roads leading up to his destination. All this time Munna, who was driving, was constantly reciting the mantras silently and Ram Singh too was praying earnestly as both of them were dreading the task ahead.
As they neared their destination, they had to pass through a village where they had to get some extra help in carrying equipment and also wanted someone to guide them deep inside the mountain. At first, the villagers were scared and reluctant to volunteer when they heard about the place. One of the villagers said “sahib, all of us have families here and we are the only source of sustenance. If anything happens to us, then who will look after our families?”
Professor Sudarshan “don’t worry nothing will happen to you. Moreover, I will pay extra over the amount anyone of you will get if he volunteers.” Hearing this, still, nobody wanted to volunteer as everyone was scared for his life. Some time passed when four young men Bhola, Kallu, Bunty& Channi stepped forward. Their only condition was that payment should be made half in advance and the other half when their services would no longer be required.
Professor Sudarshan was delighted and said “absolutely!”
He asked Ram Singh to give these four individuals their cheques and then proceeded to exit the village. But, unfortunately, night had fallen and no one wanted to go out in the night. So, reluctantly, the party had to stay back in the village for the night. During their stay, many people came to Professor Sudarshan to try to warn him of the impending danger. The village headman also came hoping to persuade him from not taking upon this expedition. He also tried telling him another incident in which the police have still not been able to find a single clue.
The village headman “sahib, some fifteen years ago, another art expert had come here and gone to these caves. He went missing and the police are still clueless as to the mystery of his disappearance.” “ They just found his movie camera and few of his notes, which they have kept in the archives as a mystery.”
Professor Sudarshan “thank you sir for enlightening me. As all of this is interesting but I have made up my mind and I have to go there.” The village headman just gave him an “it’s your funeral” expression and left. The most surprising part was even the local SHO also came to pay a visit and tried to warn him about the dangers in a subtle manner. Professor Sudarshan was surprised at this and asked him “you are a man of law and order and yet you believe in these things?”
SHO “Sir, what I believe or don’t believe doesn’t matter. The things that I have seen or heard can make anyone a believer. Moreover, there are cases of missing people which have still not been solved. “
SHO “also sir, the belief of the people here is so strong and they believe that even talking about it can bring a curse on their village and their lives.”
Professor Sudarshan “still I would like to go ahead if you don’t mind. I also don’t believe in these stories of the supernatural, and I think that all of these are mere coincidences and nothing else.”
The SHO also gave up and went on his way. The next day was the D-day. Professor Sudarshan was up early as he again had those strange dreams of spirits and entities walking up to him and beckoning him to join their world. He woke up with cold sweat and after clearing his mind, was more determined to go ahead with his plan.
Professor Sudarshan, Ram Singh, Munna and the 4 hired help all made their way towards Pahargarh through a long treacherous path. Once they reached the entrance of the cave was blocked by a big boulder. It had taken a good part of the day and by the time they had removed the boulder, it was again dark. So they decided to make camp for the night and would venture into the cave the next day. That night too it was raining heavily and there was quite a bit of thunder and lightning also.
One thing which all of them had done wisely was bring all kinds of gear to suit their expedition. So Ram Singh, Munna and professor Sudarshan all had raincoats to protect themselves from the heavy rain. The villagers had brought a lot of food and rations depending on stay and umbrellas too!
That night something strange happened that brought a little bit of change in Professor’s Sudarshan’s convictions and beliefs. As it was middle of the night and was incessantly raining. All of a sudden the professor could hear someone calling out his name in the rain.
“Professor Sudarshan........... Professor Sudarshan.”
The professor was alarmed and surprised that who would call out his name in the middle of the night and this incessant rain. Anyways, he went outside his tent and found to his surprise a well-dressed man standing out in the rain and calling him out. He went out and saw this other man was tall, handsome and ramrod erect. He also had a bit of greyish hair and a grey beard.
The man “ Hi, my name is Dr Deepak Sharma&nb
sp;and I also am an art connoisseur like you.”
Professor Sudarshan “hello why are you standing out in the rain?”
The Man “it’s okay. I have heard a lot about you. I just wanted to meet you in person and make a humble plea.”
Professor Sudarshan “come on!” “When we are of the same profession why there should be any formality?”
The Man “no... no... it’s perfectly okay. I just wanted to request you to not go ahead with your plan.”
Professor Sudarshan “how do you know about this. Who told you about my expedition? I am sure the villagers must have sent you?”
The Man “no one sent me. I just saw you trudging up here that’s why I came here to warn you.”
Professor Sudarshan “Well, thanks for your advice but I have made up my mind.”
The Man “I can understand that but think once again and very carefully because this venture is very dangerous.”
The Professor “how do you know?”
The Man “I just know.”
The Professor’ “we are having our conversation in the rain. Why don’t you come inside and let’s have a cup of tea.”
The Man “thanks for your graciousness and hospitality but I have to go.
The Man “Please promise me that if you notice any sign of danger you will abandon the project and save your and others lives.”
The Professor “of course!” “That goes without saying. But I insist that you must please come in.”
Professor Sudarshan turned towards Ram Singh’s tent and called out his name. As Ram Singh, who was a light sleeper came out, the professor said “Ram Singh can you please make two cups of tea for the gentleman and me.”
Ram Singh looked around but could not see anyone in this rain except the professor in his tent. When the professor saw surprise and confusion on Ram Singh’s face, he turned around and was about to introduce the guest. But to his surprise, there was no one there! Even the professor was surprised. Just now he was talking to this guy and as soon as he turns around there is no one there. This was eerie even to the professor.
Meanwhile, Ram Singh was still surprised as to why did the professor call him out in the middle of the night and ask to make two cups of tea. When there was no one else apart from the professor.
The next morning all of them woke up early and professor Sudarshan was the first to enter the cave. At first, the party had to encounter a lot of cobwebs and darkness as they made their way towards the interior of the cave. Here, the temperature was colder than outside there was an eerie feeling which was felt by all except Professor Sudarshan.
The first burst of excitement came from Professor Sudarshan when he shone the torch on the wall of the cave. It was just a breathtaking sight. They could hundreds of pictures of animals, humans, village settlements, and also special humanoid-shaped paintings on the wall. The unique part of it all was that all of these paintings were done in red ochre, and either done with a brush made of grass and twigs; or, simply by hand. There were scenes of hunting, farming and even worshipping! This was something which professor Sudarshan had never seen before and all of them although were at least thousands of years old painting, but seemed as if someone had done them afresh!
Professor Sudarshan “wow! All of these paintings by the look of it are definitely at least 8,000 years old.”
Ram Singh “how can you be so sure, sir?”
Professor Sudarshan “by the style of the painting and also look at the texture of the painting and the wall.”
Professor Sudarshan “the erosion and the climactic changes through all the hundreds of thousands of years have weathered the paintings. But still, they look very fresh.”
Munna “sahib what are all these humanoid-shaped paintings?”
Professor Sudarshan “even I don’t know about these. I have to do a deep study of these.”
One thing was sure that all these paintings belonged to the early Neolithic Period and these were one of the first indications of human civilization in India. This was all believed by professor Sudarshan and he was very confident in his claims. While all of this was going on the temperature of the cave had gone down a little bit more and as they moved into the interiors, it was getting creepy for all of them. Professor Sudarshan, however, was in his element and did not feel anything. He also kept quiet about his encounter the previous night, though it felt strange to him.
The first night was quite exciting and exhausting for the group. It was also a quiet night if you know what I mean. The next day, again the group moved deep into the mountain and the superstitions and fears of the local hired help grew more as they advanced further. That night, Kallu, one of the hired help was restless and went out of his tent to get some fresh air.
There was a slight breeze and Kallu felt a bit of a chill. He could not see anything in the pitch-black but felt that something or someone was watching him. As he was about to light up his smoke he heard a rustling sound on his left. At first, he thought that the wind must have made it. But when he again heard the noise he became curious and decided to investigate.
The more Kallu tried to discern the source of the noise by going closer to it, the more the sound seemed to move away and farther. Kallu did not realise that he had gone deep into the cave when suddenly he saw something which terrified him. He was just transfixed to the spot. Eyes bulging with fear and terror he could not utter a single sound. That was the last that was seen or heard of Kallu.
The next day there was a commotion and when Professor Sudarshan asked “Kallu is missing from last night sahib.” Said the rest of the hired help.
Professor Sudarshan immediately asked everyone to look around. The whole of the day was spent looking for him but he could not be found anywhere.
Ram Singh “sahib, I warned you that something like this could happen. Now rest of the people would not want to work.” He was agitated by this.
Professor Sudarshan “Look he might be somewhere here only. If he is not there, then he must have returned to his home.”
Professor Sudarshan “all of you are getting worked up unnecessarily.”
Professor Sudarshan “I can guarantee you that it is all a couple of more days and then we can all go home richer.”
This brought a little bit of hope to the group, but still, Kallu’s disappearance was troubling everyone.
The next day brought another nasty little surprise, Munna who was sitting on a rocky mound, suddenly; saw something shiny underneath some bushes. When he went to investigate, he was shocked and paralysed with fear. He gave out a scream “sahib..... Sahib... Please come here.”
Professor Sudarshan and the rest of the group came rushing towards him. He then pointed his finger towards the rotting remains of a skeletal with a shiny object attached to one of its bony fingers.
Professor Sudarshan went a bit closer to the skeletal remains and peered closely at the shiny object and remembered that the stranger that night was also wearing something shiny on his fingers.
Meanwhile, all of this had made the rest of the group very nervous and scared once again. All of them wanted to return except Professor Sudarshan. Anyways, the police were called to investigate this and also asked to find out about Kallu’s disappearance. The police officer first thought that it must have been someone from the group who had some involvement in his disappearance. But then, he was told that all were Kallu’s close friends and they had nothing to gain or lose by his disappearance.
One thing that Professor Sudarshan did not forget to mention to the SHO was his strange encounter with the man on that fateful rainy night. The SHO promised to investigate this and went back to the village police station.
The next day, nerves were already frayed when Channi and Bhola were working in an inner part of the cave when suddenly it seemed that Channi gave a scream and sat back. When professor Sudarshan, Ram Singh and Munna came rushing to him, they saw him cowering on side of the wall, fully covered in sweat and blabbering something incomprehensible. When Professor Sudarshan asked him “what’s the matter? Why did you scream?”
Channi “I don’t want to work here sahib. Please I want to go back home.”
Professor Sudarshan “why, what happened?”
Channi “sahib... we told you that this place is haunted but you did not believe us.” “These paintings are cursed. They have come to life.”
Professor Sudarshan was taken aback by the ferocity of Channi’s claims but it also made him laugh.
He said “you have gone crazy. How can a painting come to life after so many thousands of years?”
Channi “if you still don’t believe then come here and see this painting. It was not here earlier.”
Professor Sudarshan went and peered closely at the wall and indeed the particular painting was on another side of the cave wall earlier on. However, he could not ascent to the superstitious nature of the locals; hence he said, “We must have overlooked it earlier on. It must have been here only.”
Professor Sudarshan was now getting frustrated with the strange turn of events. First, the strange encounter, secondly, Kallu went missing mysteriously, the discovery of the skeleton, and now this. All of this was further exasperated by Ram Singh and Munna, who constantly were now vigorously trying to convince Professor Sudarshan to turn back. This made him suspicious of their intentions but at the same time forced him to think.
Well, if you think that worst of your problems are over; think again, my friend, it is still to come. And that is exactly what happened with Professor Sudarshan and his group. That same night Bhola had gone out for nature’s call when he saw a strange light coming from one side of the cave. Naturally, curious, he went to see. What he saw there was something so surreal that he could not believe his eyes! He saw that the very same humanoid-shaped figures on the wall had come alive and were roaming in the cave. He just stood there terrified and transfixed to the spot. But he had to warn the professor and others. So as he turned to run he stepped on a twig and made a sound that was like the biggest sound in the quiet environs of the cave. He still gathered courage and started to run but before he could utter a sound a stone spear pierced his heart and he fell to the ground “arrghh......” Channi and Bunty were nearby and they gathered the rest of the group and rushed to the spot. Here they saw Bhola lying dead on the ground with his eyes open. It seemed that he had seen something terrible. When they noticed the spear, it was found on closer inspection that it was made of stone. Something the early humans used to have for hunting purposes!
Now Channi and Munna, along with Ram Singh demanded from the professor to turn back.
Ram Singh “sahib, this is now too much. First, Kallu disappears, then the skeleton, and now Bhola is dead sahib!”
Munna “Sahib, it's still time we can turn back.”
While all of them were having this agitated conversation, Bunty felt a slight tug at his leg. At first, he thought that it must be the wind or something but when he suddenly felt someone grab hold of his leg, it's when he started screaming “help me, sahib.........” It seemed that someone was pulling Bunty by his leg, though, no one could be seen.
Everyone was taken aback at this and as anyone tried to help Bunty, it felt that someone pushed him away violently! Bunty kept on screaming while being pulled away into the darker confines of the cave by some unseen force. It was creeping everyone out including the professor. Especially, Bunty’s screams “help me, sahib.............................”
Now professor Sudarshan could not believe what was happening in front of him and he tried desperately calling the SHO.
Meanwhile, the SHO also did some investigation and found out that the skeleton belonged to Dr Deepak Sharma, the same guy with who the professor had mentioned having a bizarre encounter. The SHO was surprised but upon further investigation, he found that this man had also gone to the very same caves and had been mysteriously missing for the past fifteen years!
SHO “how can this be?” “How can a person who has been dead for so many years talk to Professor Sudarshan?”
Then he checked the old movie camera. What he found in the reel made him stagger. In this, the former Deepak Sharma was making a video. The surprising and scary part was that here also the paintings seemed to come alive and they were captured on the camera. Furthermore, Deepak Sharma was seen giving a warning “I, Deepak Sharma, am making a humble appeal to everyone that please don’t ever come in these mountains.”
Deepak Sharma “as these caves are haunted and they are a ritual worship ground for the ancients.”
Deepak Sharma “whosoever will ever try to disturb their sacred place will have to face severe consequences.”
The SHO almost jumped from his seat when he saw Dr Deepak Sharma just simply vanish into thin air in the movie reel. The SHO realised that the professor and his group might be in danger. So he rushed to their aid and found out upon reaching the cave that the group had barely made it to the entrance and were struggling to come down.
The strange thing with the supernatural phenomenon is that the weather seems to cooperate with the phenomenon. As it was raining heavily and winds were howling like a pack of hungry wolves. Everything seemed surreal as the interior of the caves were bathed in an incandescent halo and strange sounds were emanating from deep within the mountain.
Somehow with the aid of the SHO, professor Sudarshan and the rest of the group were able to come down.
They made their made way into safety and shelter amidst the torrential downpour. It felt like that the entire atmosphere wanted to harm these people. Later on, the SHO showed the reel to Professor Sudarshan. He was just stunned and shocked to react. One thing which he showed regret was that the world has lost a chance to know history once again.
Professor Sudarshan “Alas! The world has lost a chance to rewrite history and also lost a chance to know about this great archaeological and historical find.” With this last parting word he and his team left for the city.