Wasique Hussain

Drama Romance


Wasique Hussain

Drama Romance

The DP

The DP

5 mins

It was a lovely morning. Cool morning breeze attracts me to venture outside. Its fragrance puts me into a trance. Many thought makes a foray into my mind. I stroll up to a lonely street. This was our favourite street we would stroll upto very often in the morning. And sometimes in the evening too. I feel myself reminiscing on many such mornings. My heart starts throbbing extra normally. Such cool and calm mornings. Cool breezes exuding lovely fragrance. And beautiful memories of these mornings get over me. I feel my heart melting. Never thought we won't be together without a reason. From being always in each other's company to no contact at all. It kills me. I couldn't help but think of chatting with you. I open WhatsApps messenger. I get encountered with a new dp. That same beautiful smile. Those same expressive eyes. I can't help myself. My eyes stick on the dp. The new dp isn't just a display picture. It contains my memories. Memories never leave. They keep striking us. Memories keep haunting us far too often. With it, our pains are regrown.

The new door pic sets me on the trajectory of a flashback. That same smile. Those same expressive eyes. My eyes not moving away from the new dp. I feel like it's gonna eat me away.

The new dp flashes far too many memories. I find us walking on the different streets to different showrooms and restaurants. Hand in hand. Lovely smile on your lips. Killer expressions in your eyes. The first time we journeyed together, our eyes meet. Your eyes say a lot. Your smile puts me into a trance. The fragrance your exude mesmerizes me. You expressly invite me. I lean onto you. I am urged to feel you. I Look into your eyes. They expressly say "just for the time being". "Forever, can't we"? Obstinate supplication in my eyes. There is a recognition in every part of you of the truth in my feelings. You obstinately say nay. I feel the feeling you reciprocate. But you are far too much overwhelmed by society. You can't call the courage to rise above the hindrances even you disapprove of it. I decide to learn to live with your timidity. 

I try to lift my eyes from the dp. Memories get over me. Your beautiful smile flashes onto my eyes. Tears in my eyes. I walk into different memory lanes. Journeying on an auto. While crossing a bridge, I try to tease you. I look into your eyes. You are too shy to reciprocate. You close your eyes. A natural beautiful smile is express on your face. I make you smile still widely. You put your hands on your face. I burn. I couldn't help but lean onto you. I set your hands apart from your face. Lovely killer smile. Eyes shut and then open beautifully. I feel like melting away. I feel the feeling in you. I lean onto you again, put my right hand around your shoulders, I caress your beautiful and tidied hair. Then I look into eyes and ask " stay forever, would you"? "Nay, I can't" your eyes expressly say. I don't seem to be able to bear a lonely future in the offing. Despair and fear of loneliness get over me. You entangle your left arm onto my right arm and say "will keep loving you". You lean onto me and give a beautiful memory. Only you refuse to recognise how it is going to eat me away. You decline to recognise I am not consoled by the false promises. 

I call the courage to set my eyes apart from the dp and decide to live with the memories. I falsely console myself of not-too-late a reunion. I speak to myself life is a journey. The journey is topsy turvy.

The dp leaves me deprived of power on self. I am set on different memory lanes. Holding each others' hands we walk in a beautiful park on the bank of a river. Cool breeze. Calm vibe. Beautiful aura. The fragrance you exude mingles into the fragrance of the breeze. I look into your eyes. How attractive a smile. You close your eyes. I make you open them. This is the first time you look into my eye with confidence, grace and affection. I can feel what you try to admit.

I can feel all the same what you are afraid of. Still you lean onto me. You lean on my shoulder and rest yourself there. I feel you surrendered. I lift you upto the bank of the river. The fragrant cool breeze mingles wholly into your grace and into your fragrance. You rest yourself on me. I sense you urging me to feel every bit of you. I see my eyes asking "would you stay forever". You are shaken out of fear. The next moment you put a kiss on my forehead and say "will not be very far from you". The promise doesn't mean anything to me. I keep myself in a hang. I can't call the courage to let go of you. You shake me and put your left arm around my right arm. We walk out of the park. We cross the bridge holding each others' hand. We walk up to your hostel. After seeing you off I walk upto my home lonely, crushed and imagining a life when you won't be there. "Unbearable", I say to myself. I feel frightened. I jerk my eyes off the display pic. Wash my eyes. I feel strongly to talk to you. I send a 'hi' on whataspp messenger, you instantly reply. No consolation it is. I urge myself to sleep. But can't. A sleepless night with different memories overwhelming me I was to have that night like innumerable nights.

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