
Hi, friends, it's a long time meeting you. It's interesting so let's get into it. Serving is a big deal and most important to win the person who can't be won by physical and it belongs to the same situation.
The manager shouts at the employee, hey you where were yesterday's tender documents and the employee just turns his back on the manager and keeps on saying in a silent way that he has not informed about it
The manager shouts at him saying prepare it again you idiot have I gave this job to f**ing heating your seat and leave faster than others at 5:30 pm. So he feels depressed and he never wonders because this is his routine. When he returns home his flat's owner says when will the bill come you've lost the ability to stay it there was no rent from past three months and he locks the flat and says if you need keys to pay the rent and take it. So he waits outside his flat and thinks of how his life is and blames the god for his situation. He calls to his brother whom he used to tease and bully for every small issue and he said that his brother would never ever be successful in his life as he is the 12th drop out student but now he needs a shelter. So he calls his brother and after his asking his brother agrees by his next word and he says that h
e will send a car to pick up his brother he was shocked how his brother can send a car for him and he hears the sound of the horn and goes to the car and shocks it's Audi a7 car and a driver in it
Now the car stops at a bungalow and the driver says it is your destination sir as he enters get shocked by its royalty and finally meets his brother after a long time. He asks how he made it he says that when he was expelled from college he got a huge desire for something and learned to code and invented new software and he is a billionaire now. His elder brother says sorry for what I've done to you and billionaire replies you know what spoon-feeding doesn't show any richness with it and it makes us often able to work under a person.
In India everyone has the talent to do something different by all run on the same rat race called studies and keep on comparing us with others and losing the most magnificent time for it. But if we really will we can achieve anything and it is the power of India but the only thing we need is a strong desire and our nation will lie on the top over the world