Secret society of M.S. Alexa
Secret society of M.S. Alexa

It all began in the apocalypse, no not the zombie apocalypse. The robot apocalypse , hello my name is Alexa and I am a "human" as they say. I rule the robots. But I also rule the humans lets go ahead and take a journey down memory lane. "EVERYBODY RUN" I had screamed when a black UFO with red colored robots had been dropped off, they were firing missiles, knives, and so much more. I gathered all the mortals, and ran with them. We had hid I couldn't save them all though. Everybody was screaming but I helped them calm down. We had stayed hidden in a beaten down, old shed for a few weeks always sneaking out for food until I came up with a plan. To survive you had to be a robot.
So I found some gear and I put on all this technology on all of us. I put some red robot makeup on us and some gear . Next thing we did was I had everybody else practicing to speak and act like a robot showing no emotion at all. I know your probably find
ing me quit boring but please don't get me confused with my twin. That's right I have a twin named Alex, he helped me out with the humans. Alex was the one doing the makeup and he helped with keeping everybody calm too. It had been about 5 weeks until everybody got the acting down. We had finally stepped out of the shed and immediately were surrounded by robots. "what are you doing" one of them said in a creepy robot voice. I had responded " we were collecting the tools from the shed" I said with tools in my hands. They let us pass and left us alone.
We had first went out to eat but all the restaurants were closed down so we went to a garden and ate some veggies to survive. A few months later the robots were actually liking me and my company. A week after they had asked me to be their queen. I had responded with a plain yes. But I didn't know what it was meant to be queen....