Search for Love
Search for Love

Based on prompt 9
The cracky old radio came to life which was the old man’s only possession. Swaying up and down the waves in the boat was his routine. With his eyes so detached from the world he looked miserable. Without someone to share his feelings he had temperament issues. The search for love has not yielded the old man the desirable result.
Love encompasses strong positive enforcement and it is everywhere around us so its valued less. This old man was devoid of his motherly love, lacked child’s love. So it was hard for him to keep himself together.
There were rumours about an old man who used to sai
l in the boat in the river at the backside of our apartment. We were told about how is cracky old radio bellowed at night as his boat drifted past the waters. He would shout at nothing pointing and flailing the oars in all directions.
We decided to meet him after observing him secretly for a while. He used to drink milk with honey very happily. We bought him some honey and went to meet him. We spent the whole night with him on the boat talking about the adventures in the waters.
He finally said that for a person who was treated as an orphan it was us who showered love on him considered him a human.