Overnight Success
Overnight Success

‘I just need a chance’ Rahul smirked.
‘Really?’ Disha smiled.
‘Yes gurl, Just one chance and I will show the world who I am’ the confidence was brimming.
‘What are your preparations?’ Disha got excited.
‘Once it will start to happen everything will fall in place’ Rahul closed his eyes.
‘Oh Dream castles, good, keep it up’ Disha laughed.
‘Make fun of me right now, when I will be famous and have lots of money, then you’ll die for my autograph’ Rahul was a bit annoyed.
‘You can give me your autograph right now’ Disha opened a page of her notebook.
‘Ok be happy’ Rahul signed it.
‘Thank you so much Sir, you are so kind,’ Disha laughed and went away.
‘You will see the fruits soon’ Rahul said, but Disha had gone.
Next day Disha came to college and was unable to find Rahul.
‘Hey, where is Rahul?’ Disha was surprised.
‘He has gone to Switzerland’ His friend said.
‘What? He never told me’ She was shocked.
‘Even we didn’t know. We have come to know through someone that he has won a lottery of 5 million and has gone for a vacation’ they said.
‘With his family?’ She asked.
‘No, alone’ he said and Disha sat on her desk.
In next two days she came to know that Rahul had left the college without completing his degree. She became a bit worried and sent him a message on Facebook. She had tried all social media networking and her phone too, but there was no reply from Rahul. She thought that he might have been chasing his dream and she should do the same. Disha wanted to become a CA, but house chores and college kept her busy. Her mother wanted her to marry as soon as her B.com gets completed, but she was adamant for CA. Rahul and Disha were college friends. Both used to discuss about their ambitions and dream to do something in their lives. While Disha would be sandwiched between house chores and college work, Rahul would day dream for his future.
‘Hey what happen?’ Nisha patted Disha
‘Nothing’ Disha was still confused.
‘What happen? Thinking something deep?’ She inquired.
‘Rahul has left the college?’ Disha said.
‘Yes, so what. There are so many students in our country who leave college early’ She said.
‘What about his future?’ Disha was worried.
‘Don’t worry; a degree is not the prerequisite for a better future’ Nisha said.
‘Really?’ Disha was surprised.
‘Yes, you can get a degree from an open school or university. The thing that matters is knowledge, confidence and determination. May be he has got that confidence’ Nisha tried to solve the puzzle.
‘Oh no, he used to daydream only’ Disha said remembering his talks.
‘What if he hadn’t shared everything regarding him’ Nisha pointed out.
‘Yes, this is also possible, we never discussed about our families and issues’ Disha realized and sat on her seat.
Disha wasn’t able to concentrate in the class and feeling uncomfortable. She left the college during lunch and sat at the bus stop. She was still thinking about her future.
‘What should I do? CA or MBA or something else, No I want to do CA, but my mother will not give me time. How can I do two things at one time? Today I must talk to her about this’ Disha decided and came home.
‘I want to drop college and do CA’ Disha said.
‘What? Are you mad?’ Disha’s Mother was surprised at this.
‘Being CA is my dream’ Disha pleaded.
‘So you can always give papers’ She said.
‘But college and house chores can’t let me concentrate on CA’ She said.
‘You are not doing anything for me. If you will get a good job, then you will get married and will live a happy life’ She said.
‘Nor I want to get married, neither I want to get a good job, I want to be a CA’ Disha was now irritated.
‘2 more years of your college and then you are going to get married. We are not so rich that we shall fulfill your baseless dreams. Whole world prepares this way, you are no exception’ She shouted.
‘That’s why only a few get the success’ Disha screamed and went to her room.
The tears were flowing endlessly like river Ganga, keen to move away and reach their destination.
‘I will become CA’ She murmured and her cheeks were still wet with the gift she got from her mother.
In the next two years, she completed her college and in a surprise move left the house.
‘Where is she?’ Her mother said.
‘She had left for higher studies’ His father said.
‘What?’ She was surprised. When all this happened?’
‘She told me not to tell you anything about this’ Her father told her the story.
‘What is all this? When will she get married?’ Her mother was tense.
‘This is new generation; she will find a good match once she will complete her studies’ the father said.
‘She could have done her higher studies from here’ She said.
‘It was her wish’ he said.
‘When will she marry now?’ the mother was worried.
‘Let it be her decision’ the father said and mother wasn’t satisfied.
Disha moved to another city and started living in a PG. She had already cleared a few sets of exams earlier and she only had to clear next few sets of exams to start his practice. She started tutoring children and didn’t tell her parents about the plan. She didn’t join any organization or college; instead she joined a CA coaching center and was preparing for the exams.
‘Hello Disha’ her mother called.
‘Oh mom, I am in the college’ She said.
‘Okay, when will you come to home’ her mother asked.
‘In the evening’ she said and after some time she disconnected the phone.
She kept on preparing for CA and continued tutoring students for her survival. The time kept on ticking.
‘Hey, what you are doing’ A child shouted, looking at a boy.
‘Oh no, ’ he looked at that kid and started running in the opposite direction.
‘What the He…’ The boy collided with a girl.
‘Sorry’ He said and started running again.
‘Wait’ the girl shouted.
As the girl shouted people around got alert and caught hold of the boy. Few of them were ready to beat him up.
‘Stop, he hadn’t stolen anything’ She tried to make everyone understand.
‘Oh’ Everyone left the place.
‘Rahul’ Disha said.
That boy looked at her, but gave no reaction. In no time he again ran out of sight.
‘What..’ Disha wasn’t able to understand what has happened.
She went to her room and was still thinking about the incident.
‘That was Rahul?’ Disha was thinking.
She called Nisha and asked about Rahul but didn’t get any information. She wasn’t in a position to do anything at
that point of time, so she continued with her life.
In the next few months she completed her papers and was awaiting the result. She decided to trace Rahul. She called Nisha and asked if she had the number of any of his friends. She searched social sites too, but Rahul wasn’t there.
‘You are looking for Rahul?’ A message popped up in Disha’s message bar.
‘Yes, who are you?’ she said.
‘My photo isn’t visible’ He messaged.
‘Oh! Dhruv!’ She recognized him after enlarging the photo.
‘Yes’ he typed.
‘How are you, you have changed so much and what are you doing nowadays?’ She asked.
‘I have completed my masters and now I am pursuing PhD’ he messaged.
‘Oh my God! The doctor is here’ She sent the message with smiles.
‘What are you doing’ he asked.
‘Waiting for CA final result’ she typed.
‘Oh, best of luck, I am sure you will get through’ he said.
‘Thank you for the wishes’ she was happy.
‘You are looking for Rahul?’ he messaged.
‘Yes, do you have any idea?’ She asked with hope.
‘No, I am going to Delhi next week and as soon as I will be back, we can discuss about Rahul. Even I wanted to meet him, his sudden departure was really surprising’ he said.
‘Delhi? I am in Delhi too.’ Disha messaged.
‘Oh great, then we shall meet and discuss’ He said.
‘Yes great, message me whenever you will reach Delhi, this is my whatsapp number’ Disha gave him her number.
Dhruv reached Delhi and messaged Disha about his arrival. They decided to meet at the Rajiv Chowk metro station.
‘Hey, how are you’ Dhruv smiled, looking at Disha.
‘I am good. Come, let’s sit in this café’ she pointed towards a café.
‘What you will have?’ Disha asked.
‘Party is on my side’ Dhruv said.
‘Why so?’ Disha was surprised.
‘I am going to be a doctor’ he winked and both of them laughed.
‘Ok Doctor’ Disha agreed and Dhruv gave the order.
‘I wasn’t able to trace Rahul’ Dhruv became serious.
‘Even I haven’t heard from him after he won the lottery’ She said.
‘Lottery?’ Dhruv was surprised.
‘Yes, why are you so surprised?’ Disha said, looking at his face.
‘Who told you he won a lottery?’ Dhruv asked.
‘His friends’ She said.
‘Friends? Oh! All those who used to be with him in the canteen?’ Dhruv asked.
‘Yeah’ she nodded her head.
‘This is a plain lie’ Dhruv said.
‘What?’ Disha was shocked.
‘He left his home and took money without anyone’s approval’ Dhruv told her.
‘It’s not possible?’ Disha was stunned.
‘I went to his home and got to know about this. He has been out of his house since then, they are searching for him. They told me that someone had seen him in Delhi’ he told.
‘Oh my God, he was indeed Rahul!’ Disha wasn’t able to believe this.
‘What? You saw him somewhere’ Dhruv looked at her weird expression and Disha told him the whole story.
‘Which area?’ He asked.
‘NH-24 near this park,’ she showed her on google map.
‘Oh, this area is near my uncle’s house, but this park is famous for wrong reasons’ Dhruv was scared.
‘What wrong reasons?’ Disha was worried.
‘I mean sex, drugs and these kinds of things’ He said.
‘I hope Rahul won’t be a part of such things’ Disha said and Dhruv nodded his head.
‘I am going to meet my uncle tomorrow and will be back next week. Let’s see if we can get some clue’ Dhruv finished his drink.
‘I wish you should’ Disha finished her juice and both of them left the place.
In a month’s time Disha got the result and she had cleared the examination. Her father helped her in getting the practice done for CA in a reputed company. In the meantime, both continued their efforts in the search of Rahul.
One day Dhruv called Disha.
‘I think you should come with me, I have something to show you regarding Rahul’ Dhruv said.
‘What?’ Disha asked.
‘Come over here’ He gave her the address.
‘What is this?’ She got scared looking at that.
In the next half an hour she reached there.
‘What happened?’ She looked at Dhruv.
‘Dhruv pointed his finger towards a room.
‘Who is there?’ She was scared.
‘Rahul’ Dhruv said in a melancholy tone.
She walked inside and was terrified looking at that. She came out of the room and started crying. Rahul was dead.
‘What has happened?’ She looked towards Dhruv with a gloomy face.
‘Over expectations, no independence and lack of determination’ Dhruv said.
‘What?’ She wasn’t able to grasp the meaning of it.
‘He wanted to be a painter, but had no family background. His family also wanted him to earn a good degree and then join the corporate life. He wasn’t interested in it, he wanted to rule the world’ Dhruv took a halt.
‘How did he die?’ she was still unable to digest this.
‘He had a long heated discussion with his family. No-one approved his idea and he left the house after taking some money. The family thought he would be back soon, but he never returned’.
‘Oh my God, I knew he would fall into this trap’ she said and the tears were relentless.
‘How?’ Dhruv asked.
‘He wanted to be a painter, but never took it seriously. He used to believe that with a lot of money he would be able to become a painter. I suggested him to keep continuing painting and don’t wait for money. Once he will have a lot of paintings he can pitch his best and who knows he might do big’ She remember that day.
‘Yes, even when he left the house, he had just 4 to 5 paintings and he had no idea about the things to come along with freedom. He never did his house chores earlier and now when he had to he became irritated. The police officer told me that this boy has been arrested many times’ Dhruv looked towards Disha who was still in disbelieve.
‘Oh, I knew he would fall in the trap’ She said.
‘Yes, he did, the man who promised for his one night success ran away with the money. With lack of money and networking, Rahul got trapped into the drugs racket and from last few years he was just running here and there’ Dhruv said.
‘Police?’ Her eyes welled up.
‘Yes, my uncle is police commissioner here and I told him about Rahul, he identified him and told me about this’ Dhruv was upset.
‘Dreams are hard to realize. Most people fall into the trap of one night success. Also when the family doesn’t support then it is easy to tread that path’ Disha said.
‘But you also went through this family issue?’ Dhruv asked Disha.
‘Yes, but I knew that it will take a lot of hard work to get success. I knew that one night stand doesn’t apply to anybody’ She said and both of them left the place.