Joyita Goswami



Joyita Goswami


Nova Stella

Nova Stella

3 mins

"What a splendid goal; sensational ..."

She couldn't move her eyes off the T.V. screen, her heart was racing as if in a marathon - so excited, raptured with joy ..! Yes , that was a commentary from the ongoing Football world Cup match that was being telecasted;

her soul could reach heights of joy and ecstasy ( that it couldn't reach in everyday life) only by the sight of soft green grass of the field, the stadium, the vast azure sky, the soccer-cleats and the magical ball - the 'football' .

No she ain't a soccer player, she ain't,

but deep down there was a hidden pain a buried desire - to be one, to be able to run in the field, play the game, and for once forget the pain, the pain of not being able to 'find herself ' ... since childhood she's been on a quest, a quest of finding so many different things, people - the meaning of the word -'family', the essence of the word 'maa'... ; her heart - that was always hopping away from her and trying to reach the 'Unreachable' ( be it a dream or be it people ... ! )

When she was a little girl, despite the loneliness, she was trying to see the brighter side of life, she never regarded her loneliness as claustrophobic, instead thought of it as Solitude; a bliss . She had dreams in her head and stars in her eyes!

But life's a strict teacher, decided to

mould her soul , like iron is cast ..

Now, 'The Quest of heart' was to find herself, more than to find someone for herself ...

Love came in many different forms and shapes, came like tide on a moonlit night, came like cherished rain after long dry spells; but, it was all in her heart, deep delved, protected - just like a treasure buried by a little girl in her garden of thoughts ..

The sea, the sky, the football fields , the filled up stadiums , her passion for sports, her love for music, her dream to be all that she pictured herself to become someday, her love to 'love' even the 'unreachable', her desire to nurture and protect the little souls just in the way - she herself desired to be protected ... all these desires rolled into one - was what LOVE meant to her.

The quest is not yet over, although most people have left, although pain still plays the violin with her, although grandma left the world forever just a month ago; although uncertainty mocks her, and loneliness doesn't appear like Solitude anymore, cause now she's a grown up, and reality walks side by side with her every day, leaving little room for miracles and expectations; but still a faint hope lingers and whispers in her ear - ' the quest isn't over yet ... cause nothing is lost, nothing is found, everything is transformed.. !'

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