ravi s

Drama Others


ravi s

Drama Others

Melancholy Man - Part 2

Melancholy Man - Part 2

2 mins

I told you that Bitto Sardar had a traumatic childhood, and this had left a rather nasty scar on his personality. Many people develop a lot of habits, which is natural. Most of us are motivated to develop habits that make them successful, happy, achievers and leaders. It was therefore unfortunate that Bitto Sardar developed the habit of walking right into those kinds of situations that made him gloomy, sad and unhappy.

Not that Bitto was devoid of finer emotions, like love or romance. In his tenth grade at school, Bitto fell in love with a beautiful girl who was his classmate. He knew that he loved the girl because he felt the same fascination that he had as a child for toys. The girl had the innocent looks and charms of Curvy Barbie, who had kindled his infantile passions. Bitto knew that she was his Curvy Barbie from the time he first laid eyes on her.

Though our Sardar was a sad and unhappy boy, his actions brought cheer, smiles, and joy to others around him. He had once accidentally walked into the girls’ washroom, only to be apprehended by the girls there and hauled over to the Principal’s room. When the Principal asked him for an explanation, Bitto stammered and said: “I mistook the picture on the door for a boy. It definitely looked like a boy to me.” This incident went viral and has become a legendary tale for freshers joining the school even today. 

Another incident involving the Sardar cemented his reputation in the school as a bumbling idiot. Some of his mischievous friends told him that the girl he loved was also madly in love with him and was heard telling her friends that she was waiting to be kissed by Bitto. They urged him to make her happy by fulfilling her wish. Besotted as he was by Curvy Barbie, Bitto took the advice seriously and planted a kiss on the girl’s cheek. It took a written apology from Bitto and his parents to stave off a suspension from school. It also put paid to his first love affair.

I highlight here these incidents to draw a lifelike picture of Bitto for you. If you are observant, you would have already guessed that Bitto’s adult life will be full of misadventures.

We will continue to track our Sardar as he progresses into his adult life.

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