Sweta Elizabeth das



Sweta Elizabeth das


Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight

2 mins

I still cannot forget the day when I first saw you. You took my breath away. One year ago today was the first time we met near the dog adoption centre. You were busy running around . If I am not wrong, I think you were playing and chasing your friends. The first thing that I noticed in you were your beautiful glittering eyes. Honestly I fell in love with those beautiful eyes of yours. Moreover, your face and your characteristics reminded me about "Murphy", my first pet dog. Murphy died two years ago due to cancer and to be honest, I still miss her a lot.

Co-incidence struck hard when I realised that my previous pet dog was a Beagle and so were you. Soon after Murphy died my house became empty and lifeless. My heart too became empty. My life seemed to be falling apart and I felt as if I have lost everything in my life. The pain was indeed unbearable. Somehow I was trying to cope up with this loss that was inflicted upon me. The day Murphy died I promised myself that I will never own a pet dog no matter what happens in my life. No doubt the promise was vague in nature but

at that point of time I thought this was the correct thing to do. Indeed the worst thing that can happen to you is when you have to encounter the death of your pet and bury their dead bodies with your own hands and at the same time feel terrible and helpless.

That Day when I first saw you it reminded me about "Murphy". Indeed, I fell in love with you at first sight. Previously I never believed in the concept of "Love at first Sight" But now I know that "Love at first Sight" does exist in reality. It was on that particular day when I broke my promise and decided to adopt you and give you proper shelter, Love and care. It's been 3 years since this incident took place. And till date both "Rocky " I mean my second pet dog and I are still madly in love with each other. Indeed Rocky made my life more colourful. Soon after Rocky came into my life, I started feeling good. Now I know I have a paw friend in my life that will never betray me no matter what. Undoubtedly "A Dog is a Man's Bestfriend" and "A Dog is the only thing on earth that Loves you more than he loves himself."

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