Little Girl
Little Girl

He is young and brilliant.
Sharp and strong.
She is shy and little.
Sweet and quirky.
He travels this lengths just to see her face. He smiled looking at her.
She concealed herself from his sight, behind the curtain.
A flutter of anticipation run though her veins.
She wants to cease the moment.
Closing her eyes she thanked god for giving the chance to live him. She loved him.
But she is afraid to go near him.
She is nervous.
She is shy.
She sneaks a glance of him.
She stealthily takes one step towards him,another one and one more.
He pulled her towards him. Peck a kiss on her cheeks.
She knows this is him.
They don't get time to spend much time together. But she always knew that he is the one.
She runs her little fingers on his face.
Scrutinize every little curves he has on his face.
Her eyes twinkles with joy.
She pulls his nose and peck a good kiss on it.
She keep looking at him with her dreamy eyes.
She ties her little finger with his thumb tightly with a white thread and hold onto it like she is holding a treasure of her life.
She hang herself onto him till she fell asleep.
She wants to stop the wheel of clock.
She do not want to close her eyes.
She squeeze herself into his arms and fell asleep.
When she woke up, he was gone.
She never cried. Because she and the clock is friend. A good friend.
She looked at the clock. She didn't know what the clock means at that time. But she keep looking at it. People used to ask her do you know what time is this. She told "Daddy".
When clock ticks 1 it's her Daddy time. She just knew this one time only. She didn't understand weeks, days or hours. But it's strange that she correctly knows what her daddy time is.
She likes to wait for him.
Sunday is the time when he comes to visit her. But for her it's all the time she need and knows.
Her eyes lit up with the first shine of the sun and the sleep melts down into her eyes thinking about him every day. It's her r
outine. AnD she loves it.
It's Sunday. The time.
Today there is no knock on the door. She was standing there waiting for the knock.
People ask what you are doing? She didn't respond. She opened the door all by herself today. Her little legs were not ready to use the staircase. Her eyes were void today. She looked around for a while sitting on the floor. She is about to leave. But she heard a voice saying My baby, I am sorry for being late.
She run into the room quickly like little rabbit and came with her white thread and hurriedly tied her little finger with his thumb. Now you can not go Daddy. She is happy finding her home. He is her HOME.
After all these years one thing never changed, the love for each other.
Time rolled. Life changed.
Today when she arrived home with hell lot of baggage, he was standing on the door wearing an old spectacles, just the way she used to.
That face of him is now covered with lines of wrinkles and head full of grey hairs. Everything has changed. But One thing is, is still constant, that sparkles in their eyes.
She told him "My daddy has become so small that I can embrace you easily, like you used to do".
Their laugh resonated.
She is a responsible business woman now. He tucked her shirt, laced her shoes, caressed her hairs and packed her bags. While leaving, he gave her the water bottle just like he used to do. Asked her do you have money baby.
She replied with her same quirky smile, If you need something daddy please call me and hugged him tight.
He shouted politely, oh! tigress easy easy your daddy is old now. She smiled and said MY Daddy!
She carried all the memories with her and left saying aaschi baba abar dekha hobe (Bye Daddy, will see you soon).
Today there is no knock on the door. But he knew she will be home soon, sitting on the floor waiting just beside the door just like the way she used to.
Exact same way.
The only difference is - “ those red little hands turned into a red wrinkled hand.”