Last Day Of My Crush
Last Day Of My Crush

Last day of my crush, that is because it's our farewell and due to the excessive salt content of sweet and salt issues between me and her I think we may not share the rapport as that of earlier and a mere cordial relationship thereafter will be more painful. Well I haven't introduced myself, "I am Raghav".There is definitely one beautiful girl you meet while crossing the paths of your College life. Ananya is such in my life. The first time I saw her I wanted to talk but I am so shy I don't even know how to start a conversation. Her eyes speaks a lot even my shyness doesn't stop me staring at her eyes.
Right from day one of my college I started following her just to end up knowing she already had a boyfriend. Every college going guy's dream is to have a girlfriend whom he can showoff to the college. When I came to know that she is already taken the just formed thoughts and images of her have shattered in a few seconds. Since I was not so into her as we lack interaction. I got over it by diverting my attention towards other girls (not seriously though) but to my disluck or luck nothing has worked out. Lol.. It is the final year and by then I have become very easy going about any issues I didn't even bother about girls or love.
Right after that shattered dream, from my first year to final year, I have made good friends we used to roam around like a gang that neither cares nor bother about anything in the college. Then one fine day I was late to class and went to the canteen. Ananya was there, but this time I am not so into her (may be interiorly I may). She waved at me with a smile signaling to come here. I asked her " Hey why didn't you attend the class ?".She replied "Today my hostel food is yuck, and that too morning class is ethics so I thought better skip it" well I was about to ask you the same question? I said "I was late to the class so came here just like that" She said "oh ! okay, "Hey I have some pending notes could you give me yours I'll return it by two days" I said "Definitely but don't curse me
if you don't understand anything as I wrote it roughly".
She laughed and said okay. This is the first time we talked in our 4 years. After that day by day, we became closer and started sharing everything and had fun cracking practical jokes. I was startled as whatever thought and images I had earlier started taking a form in reality it was nostalgic and I had mixed feelings towards things coming true. I didn't want it to happen and I liked that feeling at the same time. Meanwhile, I came to know about her break up but didn't ask her I thought if she wishes she would say and one fine day she shared it with me. This actually increased my concern towards her and after that, I came to know my interest in her is increasing. I don't want to spoil this friendship and started keeping away from her but I came to knew that she has begun friending everyone after that breakup. So it's just her state of mind that created a friendly bond and I don't want to misuse it and at the same time, I can't hide my feelings.
So I thought of keeping away by having a quarrel on some petty issues. After 3 months of our final year friendship, we didn't talk for over 6 months and then came our farewell day. Everyone is enjoying but my eyes keep searching for only one. She wore a black saree and looking very pretty. The whole farewell night I end up seeing her hidden from a distance. It is almost the end of farewell and everyone started taking pictures but my heart wanted the event not to end as it would going to depart us. I wanted to talk to her but my ego is not letting me to. In the meanwhile, one of my friends said Ananya is calling you. I was a little shocked since she is also egoistic as me but she managed to call me.
I said "What ?" She said "Nothing I don't know whether we would be seeing each other after this farewell and we didn't even have a memory of snapshot" We took a photograph and she left to her hostel. When she looked at me and leaving I had an ambivalent feeling of not letting her go and let her go.