Just Do It

Just Do It

2 mins

In this wide world, we are a tiny speck of scattered energy. Very oft the question of our predetermined predicament and freewill resounds in the mind. The challenges, untoward incidents and rather the course of our own life seem like an unresolved dark mystery.

Pondering on the same, the story of three monkeys came to my mind. On a very bright pleasant morning, three monkeys were seated on a branch of a tree. One of the monkeys decides to jump. How many were left on the tree? The first random answer might be two, by tickling the grey matter a bit would reply zero, as monkeys are known to copy. In reality, there were still three of them on the branch, because the first monkey just decides but didn't act.

We plan. We decide. We think. 

While we think, we are caught in Shakespearean Hamlet's inertia. Results don't come off thinking but by action. We envelop action by drawing a veil over it, presuming its unexplainable repercussions. Futile anticipations and lingering on is perhaps comforting. Our weak and irresolute persona finds the bright sun or dark night unbearable and we choose to tread the shady boundary between the Helios and Nyx.

Life is a labyrinth, laden with riddles and contradictions that permeate obscurity and incongruity. This obscurity as well incongruity adds enigma and charisma to the throbbing life. The action doesn't guarantee any desired result but is the essence of a life that is not stagnant and putrid, and it must go on. The Nike guys had hit the nail by saying: just do it.

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