His Majesty
His Majesty
Go run! Did you hear? His mother yelled at him for an urgent requirement at home. He did hear and ran at once for he knew what was required. His majesty, reclining on a huge sofa was engrossed in another world where his brain wires were entangled among themselves planning and wanting to execute immediately so that he continues to be so called, ‘His Majesty’. This tiny dude was still running all with worn out clothes and bruised feet with his un-quenched thirst. Finally after facing scorching heat and running for half an hour he reached his destination.
Yes, at ‘His Majesty’. At the request of his mother, he quietly entered the huge empire flooded with majestic fresh flowers, fragrance of which
had empowered the royal residence. His tender feet moved ahead and gathered courage to face ‘His Highness’, finally he uttered few words requesting for few bucks so that he can feed his family. The royal personas’ wires yet not untangled, did not pay much heed to the innocent request. Waiting for a positive reply, the tiny dude sat down there…Guys, these tiny dudes grow up and even if the world comes into 21st century or the world goes digital…the thirst, desires of many such grown up intellectuals remain unfulfilled… waiting for, ‘His Majesty’ to appreciate , applaud…and give kind recognition.
The cycle goes on…let’s hope for a wonderful world where the deserving ones are at their right place…