Girl Power

Girl Power

4 mins

Once there was this girl who was working in an MRO and its line station. She had a dream of working for the country's best airline and to leave a mark on it. She wanted to become one of the best engineers in the country alongside the best engineers they had. So she was trying very hard to get into the company. But the company at that time had different plans, they use to hire girls only in QATS & PLM. She was not the type of girl sitting in front of a computer and doing all the office work. She always wanted to be a part of the maintenance team, wanted to challenge herself and compete with her fellow colleagues in doing heavy jobs with heavy machines as it gave her an adrenaline rush as to be different from regular girls, making her hands dirty.

She gave interviews at her station of work arranged by her dream company and taken by one of the most famous and genuine personalities of that company ( he had retired and that hurts). She attempted 3 such interviews but failed as said that the company had other plans. But her willingness and passion turned the tables and the company then started hiring girls under the name of GIRL POWER. She was the very first girl to be hired under this act and was finally given the ticket to the main base of her dream company. As soon as the results came she was down on her knees and her eyes fully wet, couldn't believe what she heard from the HR as all the people from the station knew her, such was her madness for the company.

She just removed her phone called her best friend and gave that news to him as he was already working in the same company trying hard from many other ways to get her in. He felt complete. On the very next week, off he flew to her station met her, partied hard and she was all set to join her new company.

It was pretty easy for her to make colleagues in her dream company as she was already known because of her best friend, but it was never easy for her to make a mark by her work. It was as difficult as it is for every girl in society to make a mark in this male-dominated society. But she was not a type of girl to give up and as her bestie told her how to take every thing professionally and learn from actions taken by an individual this was sort of very difficult time she ever had.

She had some good and bad experiences and came to know that the bigger the company the bigger task it is to survive as everyone is on their toes to grab your chance. Here you have to grab the opportunity, unlike life that gives you one. First, she had to struggle real hard but slowly she learned and her approach changed.

Now she was a year older in the company and had her interest in grabbing a higher bag of gold. Her life as a technician she thought was all limited and now she had to be an engineer. She was helped by one of the most liked trainee engineers and had a great bond with her. She made her guru and was grabbing as much knowledge from her as she could. They soon became best friends. But they didn't know it was for a short while.

As the company had its own requirements. And due to lack of technicians, they had to take trainee engineers from outside. But then again her willpower to become an engineer brought her the biggest opportunity. And she got a call from a rival company to become an engineer. She had to go through many rounds, the written exam, the technical round and the VP round ( not less than a different level technical round). She was hungry and she was happy and thanked the almighty for giving her such a chance. But the thing happened and she passed all the interviews and written exams and she was selected as an engineer.

She was shocked, she was the youngest as well. Now she had a double-minded thing running down her CNS. She struggled real hard for getting selected in her dream company. She ran, she jumped, she fell but rose again fought for her dream company and now after a year later she had another company offering her a position that she always wanted from her dream company. Now here it was very difficult for her to make a decision. Life-changing and the most important one. It was all about the need and not about the wants. And so after discussing and gathering a lot of courage she accepted. She resigned. She was on notice period and every day she uses to make it to the fullest. She made a place in everyone's heart and made a mark that girls too can do what boys can. Only in a year, she made a mark that every girl coming was shown that be like her.

Sitting around she went to her past thinking how difficult it was for her to grab to survive the school life with harshness. Coming from a lower middleclass family where she use to get limited food, her school fees only came through some bank scholarships and she was instructed if you loose the scholarship you will loose your further studies. This kept her going and she use to always be on the top. Soon her dedication landed her into this field where she flourished today. This is such a an amazing life struggle.

Hearty congratulations to you. A token of goodbye to you Miss Afreen Khan. You will always be remembered.

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